Matching Pajamas

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TW// Conversations about sex

Night rolled around again and Max was pleasantly surprised to find herself, okay. She wasn't still upset or mad. If anything, she was happy. At least in the moment because Steve had called. Barb was doing a lot better, and Robin was now at the hospital with her.

"What do you think Barb will name the baby?" Max asked while getting pajamas out of her bag.

"Who knows? Probably something awesome." Lukas shrugged while changing the sheets on the guest bed. They weren't dirty, but who didn't love fresh sheets straight out of the dryer? Lukas was doing his best to keep Max happy and comfortable.

"Probably..." Max got her pajamas.

"Hold on, wait." Lukas walked around the bed and took the pajamas out of her hands. "I've got something better."

"What?" Max tilted her head.

"You have to agree first." Lukas smiled.

"Agree to what?!" Max huffed and tried to take her pajamas back.

"Just say yes..." Lukas pouted.

"Okay, yes...but what am I saying yes to?" Max crossed her arms.

"I got us matching Christmas ones, hold on!" Lukas left the room.

"Oh, what?" Max groaned. "why'd I say yes?"

Lukas came back and handed Max her new pajamas. "Come on, let's both change."

"I hate you." Max said sarcastically and started walking to the bathroom. "I love you, but I hate you!" She called out from down the hall.

Lukas laughed and went to his bedroom to change.

The couple met again downstairs. Max was giving Lukas a particular look. The kind of look that proved she was supposed to be with him for the rest of her life. She was annoyed, but somehow a smile was creeping up onto her face. "You're a loser." She teased.

"I thought they were cute!" Lukas looked down at his own outfit.

"Aww, you two are adorable!" Susan cooed at her daughter

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"Aww, you two are adorable!" Susan cooed at her daughter.

"Mom, don't encourage him." Max whined.

"Oh, it's not that bad. Stand still so I can get a picture." Sue pulled out her phone.

Max complied and stood still so Sue could get a decent picture of the two. "Your sister is going to tear you apart." She whispered to her boyfriend.

"You'll back me up, right?" Lukas whispered back.

"Course I will, but you're still a dork." Max continued to tease him for wanting to wear matching pajamas. She actually loved the idea though.

"What are ya wearing?" Erica asked as she walked into the living room. "Oh my've become THAT couple. I'm gonna be sick."

"It's cute!" Lukas wrapped his arm around Max. "Look how adorable she is, you can't convince me this was a bad idea."

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