Overly High

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TW// Mentions of sexual abuse, drug overdose, sexual humor.

They all went out to dinner, but came back before they actually got their orders taken.

Max went to her room and slammed the door, Lukas chased her.

"Damn, does she really still hate me that much?" Nathan said, standing by the door with Will.

"Apparently..." Will was visibly upset. All Nathan had done was accidentally brushed against Max while leaving the elevator. According to Max, his hand touched her inappropriately. Although Lukas and Will knew that couldn't be true.

"I feel terrible, but I didn't do anything." Nathan swore he didn't touch Max, and he was telling the truth.

"I know, but Max has a bad past..." Will could hear Lukas knocking on the door, trying to get Max to unlock the door.

"Maybe I should just drive home, I clearly make her uncomfortable." Nathan felt defeated.

"No, she needs to get used to you somehow. Maybe you can talk to her when she calms down." Will suggested with forced hope.

"Maybe..." Nathan nodded. Then noticed the feline lurking out from the shadows. "oh hey, kitty." He kneeled down and tried to get the cat's attention. She simply sniffed in his direction and went back to her solitude underneath the table.


Lukas didn't get into the room for another hour. He only got in because he forced a paperclip into the lock until it opened.

"What happened to respecting my privacy?" Max hissed at him. She was sitting on the bed, a blanket wrapped around her.

"I'm sorry, but you scared me. Are you okay? Talk to me." Lukas sat on the bed.

"He touched me." Max stated.

"Where?" Lukas asked.

"He touched my ass." Max insisted.

"Are you sure it wasn't an accident?" Lukas tilted his head.

"Get out..." Max turned away from him.

"Darling, I want to believe you...but me and Will were there. We didn't notice anything, and Nathan doesn't seem like that kind of guy." Lukas hated the way he sounded, but he just knew nothing happened.

"Whatever, just leave me alone. Since I'm just crazy, and Nathan is perfect." Max really was convinced Nathan tried to touch her. Although the paranoia was just leftover from the overdose incident. The incident where Nathan impatiently ripped her shirt off to give her lifesaving medication. He was trying to do a good deed, but it still haunted Max. Being so out of it, on the verge of passing out, and having someone rip an article of her clothing off. It was terrifying.

"I'll be back." Lukas got up and left the room. He headed back to Will and Nathan. "Look, I don't want to send you guys home. It's a long drive, and it'll be dark soon. Max is really upset though. I have to put my girl first in this situation. I can give you money for a hotel. There's one really close by." Lukas offered the least he could do.

"I guess if Max is really that upset..." Will frowned. This was supposed to be his chance to feel happy again. Now it was ruined.


Lukas stayed in the living room, trying to give Max some space. He was also keeping an eye on the cat that was lurking around. The cat was still hesitant and only came out from the shadows when she was hungry.

"LUKAS!" Max called from the bedroom.

"Coming!" Lukas wasted no time, he rushed to Max.  "What's wrong, darling?"

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