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TW// Mentions of sexual abuse, mentions of sex

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since you had that call with Steve." Lukas rearranged his pillows the way he wanted them.

"I told you I don't want to talk about it." Max reminded him and picked out a pair of pajamas. "Close your eyes."

"Sorry, I'm worried." Lukas turned and closed his eyes. "Did you want me to leave the room?"

"No, I need to strengthen my trust somehow." Max changed while Lukas wasn't looking. "If I told you a secret, would you keep it?" Max asked hypothetically. "You can look now."

"Duh? Unless you like, killed someone innocent." Lukas teased and got comfortable on the bed.

Max sighed and sat on the bed with him. "Barbara and Robin broke up..."

Lukas' eyes bulged. "Wait, really? Why?"

"I don't know, but I'm worried. It makes me feel so... anxious." Max brushed her hair out of her face before confessing. "Barb and Robin are perfect for each other. If they can't be together forever, who will?" It turned out Max really did want to talk about it.

"You're thinking we're going to separate too?" Lukas read her like a book.

Max shrugged and started peeling back the blankets on her side of the bed. "I guess... Because we have actual reasons to break up."

"Huh?" Lukas tilted his head. "What...what reasons?"

Max got under the blankets and looked away awkwardly before responding. "Well, you know... My trauma creates barriers and problems in our relationship. Maybe one day you'll realize it's not worth it."

Lukas got underneath the blanket with her and pulled her in close. "I think you're delusional, because you couldn't be more worth it if you tried."

Max glared at him but she softened when he kissed her cheek. "It's okay now...but how will you feel when we're 25 and I'm still a traumatized little girl at heart? No sex means no kids, and don't you value family? What if I never get over my fears?"

"Uhh, yeah." Lukas chuckled softly and squeezed her. "We never have to have sex, and we never have to have kids. You're family, and that's good enough for me."

"If I'm family, you're disgusting." Max cracked a joke, feeling better by his reassurance.

"Max!" Lukas huffed. "I meant, I see you as my wife one day."

"Mhm..." Max grinned and cuddled into him. "You promise to always be this patient with me? I'm trying to be better."

"I will never leave." Lukas promised and reached over to turn off the lamp. "Goodnight, let's try to get some sleep."

After twenty minutes of silence, Lukas spoke up. "I can't sleep."

"Me neither." Max responded, wide awake.

Lukas turned their lamp back on and sat up. "We could talk for a bit longer."

"Maybe we could kiss?" Max suggested awkwardly.

"Uh, we could." Lukas started heating up. "Are you comfortable with that, or are you trying to impress me?"

"I like kissing, let's just see what happens." Max was panicking at the thought, but smiling at the opportunity with Lukas.

"Wait– what? I'm confused, what exactly do you want?" Lukas did not want to press his lips to Max's until he understood what was being requested.

"Just...kiss me, and maybe something will happen." Max didn't even know what she exactly wanted.

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