Time To Go Home

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TW// Mentions of sexual abuse, panic attacks

Max woke up to the sound of crying, muffled crying. It took her a minute to remember where she was, or who she was with. "Mn...Lukas?" Max sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know..." Lukas mumbled, sounding panicked by the fact that Max was awake.

Max put a hand on his back. "You're scaring me, what the hell happened?! Is Barb okay?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard from Steve." Lukas sniffled and tried to pull himself together.

"Then what's going on?" Max was looking for a clue, at least. However she couldn't find one. She didn't see Lukas as the type to cry without a good reason. "Lukas!" Max snapped when he didn't answer her. Then she noticed how tense his body was, how his eyes were glossed over. His chest kept rising and falling rapidly. He was in the middle of a panic attack.

Max softened her tone, feeling like a jerk now. "What happened, honey?" She rubbed his back. "It's okay, talk to me."

"S'nothing." Lukas mumbled and rubbed his eyes. "Nightmare."

Max raised an eyebrow. She knew nightmares could feel very real. She had cried over multiple nightmares. She just wasn't used to seeing her boyfriend crack. "About what?"

"Your dad..." Lukas whispered, like he was afraid to mention the devil.

"My dad? What's my dad ever done to you?" Max came off more judgmental than she meant to, and she realized it. "I mean, he's an asshole...but he's never hurt you."

"How could you say that?" Lukas sounded hurt.

"I'm sorry?" Max frowned.

"He raped you, in front of me. I could h-hear you-" Lukas started sobbing again.

Max took back what she said, wishing she would've kept her mouth shut. Lukas was just as traumatized by Neil as she was, and she needed to remember that. "Dammit, you're right..." Max used the blanket to wipe Lukas' tears. Then she gently pulled Lukas in. "Put your head on my shoulder, focus on me. It's okay, he's not going to hurt me again." It was a good thing Lukas had taught Max how to be loving. If not, she might of rolled her eyes and shut him out. Max didn't learn compassion and love from her parents. It was all Lukas. He taught her how to cope, love, express, sympathize.

Lukas was used to being the comforter, but being vulnerable in his girlfriend's arms felt good. Like for once he could just cry about his problems, and she'd love him through it. Relationships should always go both ways.

Max checked the time. "The hour will be up in five minutes..." She knew she couldn't rush his panic attack, but she wished she could.

"I'll be okay." Lukas sat up and dried his eyes in his sleeve. He was shaking and still obviously not okay.

"Do you want to get out and walk around the car? It might sound stupid, but fresh air can help sometimes." Max had stuck her head out of her bedroom window a couple times during her childhood. The fresh air was relaxing. Plus, the cold felt nice against her freshly bruised skin.

"Y-yeah, let's try." Lukas opened the door and got out, leaning against the car.

Max got out and stood next to him. "You want to hold my hand?" Max offered.

Lukas took her hand and pulled her in for a hug. He didn't say anything but Max gathered a message from the hug. The hug was laced with protection and made a promise that no one would ever hurt her again.


Steve got back to the waiting room. He was concerned when he noticed the teenagers weren't still there. He took out his phone and called Lukas.

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