Christmas Eve Scandal

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TW// mentions of sexual content

Lukas woke up the next morning and tried to keep a positive attitude while getting ready. It was Christmas Eve, regardless if it felt like it or not. The first thing he did was go to the guest bedroom. He knocked and went in once Max gave him permission. "Hey, you sleep alright?"

"Yeah, I slept okay." Max was sitting on the bed, still wearing her clothes from yesterday.

"Well you might want to get ready for the day. My mom is going to have a lot planned." Lukas warned her.

"Oh, great." Max sighed, she didn't have the energy to partake in holiday festivities.

Lukas walked over and sat on the bed. "We'll manage to get through the day, somehow...Can I borrow your phone?"

"For what?" Max looked around for her phone.

"I forgot to charge mine last night. I have to run to the store for something, I want to be able to call my mom. In case I need to ask her questions." Lukas had a couple last minute Christmas gifts to get. He noticed Max giving him a skeptical look. "I forgot to get something for Erica, I might need to consult with my mom." He explained.

"Oh wow, you're a shitty big brother." Max rolled her eyes playfully and handed over her phone. "Here, it's almost fully charged. Just make sure your mom knows you'll be calling from my phone. If not she might get confused."

"Yeah, thank you." Lukas would of asked Max to come too, but he had to get her something too. Luckily Max had caught on and didn't ask why she wasn't invited. "I'll only be gone for an hour, hopefully."

"Okay, drive safe. Don't want you getting in an accident and cracking my phone." Max teased.

"Don't worry, I'll bring it back in one piece." Lukas got up and walked to the door. "See you later, I love you."

"I love you too."


Max finally left the guestroom after a couple hours. If anyone asked why she took so long to get up, she'd have a valid excuse. She heard her mom's voice in the kitchen, so that's where she went.

"Oh, she's alive. Good morning." Charles smiled and gestured to an empty seat at the table, next to Susan. "Have a seat."

Max took a seat and rubbed her eyes. "Is Lukas still out?"

"Yeah, the crowds really slowed him down." Sue told her. She was standing by the counter, icing a tray of Christmas cookies. "He called not that long ago, he had one more stop to make."

"Oh, okay..." Max rested her chin in her hand, her elbow on the table. She felt really guilty that she didn't have a Christmas present for Lukas. She had been way too focused on the crappy parts of her life. It wasn't like she had much money anyway. There had to be a quick and cheap last minute gift she could get for him. Although, she had no ideas.

Will popped into her head. He was very creative and amazing at homemade gifts. Maybe he would have an idea for her. "I need to call Will, but Lukas had to borrow my phone."

"Why?" Susan asked, sipping on the coffee that Charles had made her.

"His was dead this morning." Max shrugged.

"Well shouldn't his be charged by now? Darlin' just borrow his." Susan suggested.

"What if he gets mad at me?" Max worried.

"Nonsense, he's borrowing yours. Go use the phone to call your friend." Charles reassured her.

"Oh, okay..." Max got up. Before she left the kitchen, she walked by Sue. "Those cookies look amazing."

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