The Stray

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That Friday, Lukas was home alone. Max was working extra hours, trying to get some extra money. Lukas didn't mind, he took the time to slowly work his way through some chores. He swept, folded some laundry, tidied up the living room.

When he was done he sat down and checked the time on his phone. Just then, he got a text from Max.

Pretty Angel 😍😇


Max: I'm on my way home, I found a cat.

Lukas: Okay?

Max: It's following me. 😂

Lukas: 😂

Max: She looks like a stray...

Lukas: Aw :(

Max: Can I?

Lukas: what?

Max: Can I bring her home?

Lukas: We can't have pets Max, and it's probably sick. We don't have that kind of money. I'm sorry.


Lukas: Okay

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Lukas: Okay...bring the baby home with you. Is she friendly?

Max: She moved away when I tried to pet her, but she didn't hiss. I think she's just nervous. Be home in like 5 minutes.

Lukas put his phone down and groaned. He loved cats, but this wasn't the best timing. This cat could cause a lot of stress, especially financial stress. Even if they didn't keep the cat forever, they'd have to pay to take it to the vet.

Max came home shortly after and walked in. She immediately put the cat down, it was fighting to get out of her arms.

Lukas went to the door and watched as the cat ran to hide under their table. "How'd you manage to pick her up?"

"A lot of determination..." Max ripped off her coat and boots. "Come here kitty." Max sat on the floor by the table and tried to encourage the cat to come out.

"Does she look injured or sick?" Lukas asked, standing by the table.

"She looks underweight, but besides that I don't see anything else major." Max told him, still trying to get the cat's attention. "Can you go to the store?"

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