Winter Break

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*Three month time skip because you deserve something juicy*

TW// mentions of sexual abuse

"Are you sure you don't mind us invading your family Christmas?" Susan asked Lukas while packing.

"You're not invading if you're family." Lukas insisted while also packing, they were all packing in the living room. "My mom has really accepted me and Max as a couple. She's ready to start getting to know the both of you more, really. She practically begged me to ask you two to spend the Winter break with us."

"Well that's sweet...I just feel guilty taking two weeks off work so early..." Susan sighed, feeling ashamed for enjoying her life.

"Mom, the library is closed for two weeks anyway. You finally found an employer that respects it's workers, enjoy it." Max tried to convince her mom that this was a good thing.

"Yeah, my boss almost fired me." Lukas huffed. "Even though I told them I would be taking winter break off, even before they hired me."

"I'm unemployed, no hassle for me." Max tried to be grateful, but she still felt awful. For the last three months she didn't even try to get a job. She still fully relied on Susan and Lukas. The poor girl didn't even know what she wanted to do after college. She was just furthering her education, hoping something would come to mind. Lukas on the other hand, Lukas seemed to have everything planned out. He wanted to be a P.E teacher. At least, that was plan B. If he could have it his way, he'd be a professional basketball player. Unfortunately he always seemed too busy to play.

"Don't worry, Darling. You'll figure it out." Lukas reassured her. "Maybe it'll be easier to focus on looking for a job, after having a break. You'll get to see Jane and Will again. We'll see Dustin too, he's going to be home for Christmas."

"Yeah, yeah it'll be fun..." Max was trying to reassure herself. "It's just...going to be weird."

"Why, honey?" Susan wondered.

"You know, it'll be weird going to Jane's house...knowing what Jonathan did. Plus, It won't be the same if I don't get to see Barb and Robin..."

Susan nodded sadly. "I'm upset that I can't see them either. But, we have to understand. They are going through something absolutely disgustin'. I can't imagine how Robin feels. Finding out her partner has been cheating. On top of that it was manipulated consent, how is she supposed to feel?"

"Robin? What about Barbara? Barb is the one that was taken advantage of. Feeling like she couldn't tell Robin because Robin wouldn't take it well." Max glared at her mom, not really talking about Barbara and Robin in the moment. She was thinking about the times when Neil would abuse her. Susan was willingly oblivious to it.

Lukas picked up on the tension and cleared his throat. "They both deserve better, and Jonathan is in jail...the best we can do is be patient and support them."

"Yeah..." Max took a deep breath. She was just in a bad mood, there was no reason to get mad. Although the whole Barbara situation was constantly on her mind. She still hadn't spoken to Barb in what felt like forever. "Winter break will be fun..." She tried to change the subject.


When they arrived, Sue immediately hugged Lukas first, which was to be expected. However what was not expected was the way that she hugged Max and Susan after.

"Come in, all of you." Sue encouraged, helping them bring their things into the house. "How was the drive?"

"Just awful, I had to drive by myself. The kids wanted to drive together." Susan complained jokingly. She wasn't actually upset.

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