Break Up

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Shorter chapter because I'm tired snd overwhelmed today <3

It was just about a month into the college life. They were finally settling in, feeling a little more at home. However, Max's home life was still a nightmare. It was like no matter where she went, she'd find something wrong with it.

Max was currently alone, cleaning up in her free time. Lukas had a different schedule than her, and also worked like her mother. So there was often times when she would be in the apartment alone. She felt really guilty that she didn't have a paying job yet, but she did her best to at least do work at home. She had turned into the housewife her stepdad would of wanted her to be.

Max was on the floor trying to scrub away a sticky spot when the door opened. Naturally she was frightened, until she saw Lukas. "Jesus Christ, knock!"

"I live here!" Lukas chuckled.

"You keep scaring me!" Max huffed. "Did you spill something this morning?"

"Oh crap, yeah- I forgot to clean that up before I left. Sorry angel, I brought you a bagel." He sat down the paper bag on the table. It was normal for him to visit Max on his lunch breaks, since the coffee shop wasn't that far away.

"You motherfu-" Max stopped herself and threw the cleaning rag at him. "You clean it!"

"Okay, okay!" Lukas got down on the floor and finished cleaning up. "How is your day going?"

"Alright, I have class in about an hour." Max told him.

"Okay, be safe." Lukas warned her. Max walked everywhere, since she didn't have her license or a car. The collage campus might not of been far, but it was far enough to make Lukas worry.

"Of course, I'll be safe." Max went to the table and opened up the bag. "Mmn, thanks Lukas."

"You're welcome." Lukas finished cleaning the floor and stood up. "Will called me today. He's been trying to call you."

"Oh..." Max took her phone out of her pocket. "It's dead. I've been trying to call Barb all morning."

"Jeez...when's the last time you heard from her?" Lukas frowned.

"I don't know...a month ago?" Max couldn't remember exactly.

"Did you try Robin?" Lukas wondered.

Max nodded. "Duh, I'm not stupid. Neither picked up."

"Steve?" Lukas suggested.

"Actually yes, and he answered. He was at work though so he couldn't talk much. He said he'd call me tonight." Max shrugged.

"Okay..." Lukas sighed. "Well, I better get ready to head back to work."

Max gave Lukas a hug and let him kiss her on the cheek. "see you later."

"See you later, and you better eat that bagel." Lukas squeezed her lightly before letting go of the hug.

"I will, bye." Max watched him leave before sitting down to eat. Once she was alone, the insecure thoughts rolled in. She really was a useless girl that people had to take care of, or that was just what the darkness was telling her.


"Come on, come on!" Max was trying to rush Lukas while sitting on the couch. They were about to watch a movie, and she thought Lukas was taking too long with the popcorn.

"I'm coming!" Lukas ran into the living room with the bowl.

"Don't say that out loud! My mom is just down the hall in her room. Out of context, that doesn't sound good." Max moved over to give him more space.

"Oh my god, Max..." Lukas chuckled and threw a peice of popcorn at her.

"Hey!" Max gasped and picked it back up, throwing it back at him. "Fuck you!"

"And that sounds better out of context?" Lukas sat down on the couch and threw the popcorn back at her. It landed in her hair, which he thought was pretty funny. "There's something in your hair."

"Really?" Max asked sarcastically and pulled the peice of popcorn out. "You're lucky I really want to watch this movie, or I'd be taking the time to beat your ass."

"You would never." Lukas put an arm around her.

"You're right... I'd never hurt you." Max leaned against him. "Did you bring mom a glass of water after?"

"Yeah, I did. You can check on her after the movie, she thinks she picked up the flu from work."

Max's phone started ringing. "Hold that thought, that's Steve." She got up and went to their bedroom to have a more private conversation.

"Hey, Steve."

"Hey, what's up?"

Max rolled her eyes, she didn't want smalltalk. "Do you know what's going on with Barbara and Robin? Neither of them are answering. Haven't heard from them in like a month."

Steve sighed and had to take a seat before continuing. "Yeah, I know Max. They uh, gave me permission to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Max's heart started racing. She took a seat on the bed in preparation.

"I know it's hard to hear but, Barb and Robin are in the middle of a breakup." Steve explained in as few words as possible, to not drag out the emotional pain.

"What..." Max went quiet to process the pain in her chest. She felt like love itself just went extinct. If Barb and Robin couldn't make it to the end, who would? "What happened?"

"That...that, I can't really get into the details...that's um, something that needs to be discussed later." Steve was obviously uncomfortable by the tone in his voice. He clearly knew what happened, Robin was his best friend.

"That's bullshit..." Max mumbled. "What happened?"

"Max, you really don't want to hear it." Steve promised.

"Steve, I've been through more shit than I can keep track of. I think I can handle some bad news, what happened?"

"Max, I'm serious. I'll hang up if you keep asking. I can't tell you, it's not mine to share." Steve wouldn't want to tell the story even if he had permission.

"Did someone cheat?" Max asked, assuming that was the worst case scenario.

"Max, I said no. I can't tell you ANYTHING else." Steve restated.

"So, someone cheated...that's unlike them." Max felt betrayed for a second.

"No, no one cheated!" Steve gave in and at least narrowed down what it could be. "I have to go now, call me if you need me. That doesn't mean call me to ask about Barb and Robin though, they need privacy."

"Steve-" Max was hung up on. She looked at her phone in disbelief.

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