𝟛𝟘⏐the writing on the wall

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"Draco wait!" Cordelia shouts after the blond heir as he walks down the hallway at a quick speed, his mother following behind her, matching her pace.

"Draco honey!" Narcissa shouts with a small frown as she glances at her niece. Her son was upset and Narcissa didn't understand why Cordelia looked so upset. They both ran endlessly down the halls, twisting and turning as they looked for Draco. "Draco darling wait!" Narcissa yells as Draco goes toward the stairs. Cordelia catches up quicker and stops as Draco sits on the ground; his head going between his knees.

"Draco.." Cordelia trails off nervously; stopping when she hears him crying. "Are you... Okay?" She asks as Narcissa catches up, sliding down to sit next to him.

"Have you come to laugh at me, cousin?" Draco mocks half-heartedly as he furiously wipes his tears. "The Great Draco Malfoy; crying." He berates himself, while Narcissa slides on the other side of him. "Mother.." He trails off guilty.

"Dragon, why did you run out of there?" Narcissa asks with a sigh, wrapping her arm around Draco's shoulder. "If it was because I yelled at you; I didn't mean to lose my composure but I just don't understand why you would act so disrespectful; even your father doesn't go around spitting out that disgusting word." Narcissa continues, glancing at Cordelia who was sitting silently, giving them a minute.

"I needed to keep the Malfoy mask in place mother; some of the upper years were giving me a hard time; especially Flint and Bleby." Draco confides before continuing. "I was scared I would be disowned like Lord Black; especially since Father hates anything that isn't pure." Narcissa sighs after Draco's statement and pulls him closer, running her hands through his hair.

"My son, I would never allow you to be disowned. Sirius wasn't properly disowned either; he was a true Black and Grandfather Arcturus recognizes that." Narcissa informs both teens. "Aunt Walburga and my parents believed that 'Tojus Pur' meaning always pure was about the blood but it wasn't. Long ago Black's focused on magic being pure in intent and pure in tradition; some Muggleborns who come in end up trying to change the wizarding world into their precious muggle world when it wouldn't work out well for us." Narcissa says giving a glance to Cordelia.

"Like when Hermione first joined and how she feels about House-Elves and some of the information being kept secret; like family grimoires." Cordelia realizes with a small frown. Narcissa nods, giving her niece a reassuring look.

"It seems as if she is learning but most aren't like how your mother was," Narcissa admits. "It doesn't help that alot of the classes that taught those things were taken out." She trails off before turning her attention to Draco. "We'll pocket that for now though sweetheart; Draco honey you do not need to act like how you think your father wants you to." Narcissa sternly tells her son. "He has faults, I knew that when I was betrothed to him but he loves you more than anything in this world and will put you first no matter what." Narcissa assures him. It's quiet for a few moments as the three of them reflect on Narcissa's statement.

"I don't want to follow Him, mother." Draco quietly admits after a moment. "I will not allow myself to be branded like cattle; I read about the last war Mother; it was brutal and Father's pensive has unpleasant things in it." Draco frowns.

"You don't have to Draco; I would never allow it and neither would your cousin if the look on her face is any indication." Narcissa glances at Cordelia amused.

"You will never be joining him Draco, I had plans to kidnap you if we are being honest." Cordelia shyly states. "Uncle Siri said he'd protect you too," Cordelia promises.

"Why would you save me when I was so cruel?" Draco asks with a frown. "For Merlin's sake, I called Granger a mudblood at least 20 times, and made fun of Weasl-y." Draco rants, adding the 'y' hesitantly after realizing that it wasn't the best idea to make fun of Weasley at the moment. "I said so many horrible things to you that I didn't mean but had to say because I was scared of Father."

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