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Minghao had found it hard to fall asleep the night before. Not just from the heartbreaking news that gaeul had broken to him just hours before dawn broke. Not just from the anger that he couldn't suppress even if he wished it to. Not just from the most heartbreaking wails he had ever heard come out of Gaeul, for not being able to save his father.

But also because his heart broke at the weighing doubt that he would be able to forgive Gaeul after what she had told him.

But could he be the one to blame, for feeling that way? He hasn't seen his own father in years, and the one time he gets information about him is when your friend tells you that he's dead, all because she couldn't save him.

Minghao wishes forgiveness would dawn onto him; engulf him and overpower the grief that he had drowned in the dark of the night, but as dawn broke and the sun rose; nothing of that sort felt present in his heart.

As the guards escorted both of them down the tower, both of them knew their fate that was drawing near. The price of that royal treasure were their lives, although they were wrongfully accused, and their lives weren't even worth taking in exchange for a truth with no evidence. But that was how things had always been, hasn't it? The authorities would do anything in their stead to save their reputation, even going as far as accusing someone for crime, for as long as their name does not get tarnished, and their capabilities were not to be doubted.

As they reached the bottom of the stairway, they were now accompanied to the main building of the palace, where they would be made to stand in front of thousands; witnessing their death, their punishment. Minghao stole a glance towards Gaeul, who dared not look into his eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy, swollen and lifeless; and anyone would say that this was a normal reaction to someone who would be receiving the death penalty the next morning, except Minghao knew that those tears weren't tears of fear, but tears of guilt for not being able to save her friend's father.

And Minghao wanted to let everyone know about that. He wanted to let everyone know that Gaeul did not bat an eye towards death, she did not fear so. She jumped from a plank knowing well that it would be worth a sacrifice for the life of a friend. She wailed and wailed for forgiveness when breaking the news of his father's death to him. Minghao wished everybody would shut up about the state Gaeul was in; for he knew that Gaeul did not waste a single moment thinking about death at all, but rather; what she would have done if she could turn back time to the events right before the ship was set to flames.

In a way, Minghao's heart broke for her. He knew that she was filled with regret.

When they were finally left alone in a temporary cell, Gaeul finally gathered the courage to break their silence.

"Minghao," she croaks, voice so groggy and throat so obviously sore from endless crying. "Minghao, say something. You haven't said anything to me since last night."

Gaeul looks up at him hopefully, her eyes glassy and engulfed with sadness. Minghao feels his voice trapped in his throat.

"Minghao please," Gaeul pleaded, voice breaking. She reached for his hands through her chained wrists. "Please, say something, anything. I beg you, please."

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