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"The sun sees your body,
The moon sees your soul."


It was raining that night.

Somehow, it felt as if the sky was about to fall to pieces. It's been a while since it rained. It kinda startled Gaeul, suddenly greeted by booming thunder and lightning flashing.

She wasn't scared of thunder or lightning, though. Or heavy rain. Unless if it's a storm, then that's a whole different story.

Gaeul liked the rain. Even if it was raining cats and dogs she wouldn't mind. The electricity would go out once in a while, but she's got spare candles ready by her drawer.

She wasn't at home though. She had extra classes at school that ended at night, and it was a pain to go home.

Especially since she didn't bring an umbrella today.

Gaeul badly wanted to go home. Her mom was sick, she insisted to skip class and take care of her, but her mother told her that she'll be fine.

Gaeul doesn't trust her mother as much. She knows how her mother is when she's sick. Always wobbling and feeling light headed, she had to be by her mother's side.

What if something bad happened? Gaeul shakes her head.

"Nothing's gonna happen. Mom's alright."

Tonight was lonely too. Despite the dark clouds, the moon was nowhere to be seen.

It's been a while since the man in the moon showed up, anyway. These three days were the new moon phase, which left Gaeul dying of boredom.

He was her friend, anyway.

Man in the Moon • JisooWhere stories live. Discover now