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"You'll never have to chase
what wants to stay with you,"


Gaeul was more than surprised at why Mingyu was in front of her door, his school uniform drenched in rain.

She eyes him from head to toe, "Hi…?"

"You didn't go to school."

Gaeul gulped.

"I was- I was sick-"

"For two whole weeks? Really Gaeul?" Mingyu hits the top of her head and even though he was uninvited, lets himself inside her house as Gaeul stares at him blankly.

"What, you don't want me here? After I ditched my driver and cram school and completely soaked my uniform? Geez fine I'll go-"

"Nobody said that, idiot, now stop complaining and just get inside." Gaeul rushes to get a towel for him. Mingyu stood by the door, freezing, but he didn't want to dirty her carpet either.

He liked how Gaeul seemed to be opening up with him even more. After everything that he's done to her, she seems to like having him as company, even though she doesn't even spare a glance at him when they're at school.

"Now take off your clothes and let me clean them. Here's a change." Gaeul shoves a few pieces of folded fabric at Mingyu, "everything off except your underwear."

"Why won't you dry my underwear too?"

"Who do you think I am? Your mom?"

"My mom doesn't do the laundry."

"Just hurry up and get changed."

Once Mingyu was done, Gaeul already had two mugs of hot liquid prepared for them in the living room. Mingyu sat himself down and wanted to open his mouth to complain about the slightly fitting clothes, but closed it when he noticed the big changes in her house.

"Where did all your furniture go?"

"Aunts took them," Gaeul replies as if it was nothing "I'm fine with just a couch, really."

"Okay this is really too much," Mingyu huffs, scratching his head "did they sell them? Did you get the money?"

"They did, but I didn't." Gaeul answers "I'm grateful one of my cousins sneaked some for herself and gave some to me. It's enough for the school fee debts."

All Mingyu wanted to do right now was drag her to the furniture store and buy her new furniture. Pay all her school fees for her for the rest of her life, or just let her live with his family. He wanted her to feel like she was in a family. It hurt him to see her like this.

It hurts Jisoo even more.

"So…why didn't you go to school?"

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