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"It's melting!"

Gaeul quickly places the stone inside the freezer and runs back outside, trying to figure out how to fix the garden. So she decides to start from square one ; from planting back the seeds to watering the rest of tbe plants, making sure that the piles of dirt were no longer there.

Gaeul glanced at the watch. School's starting in five minutes, and she couldn't care less.

Skipping for once wouldn't hurt.

What part of school did she like anyway? School didn't seem too important to her.

Well, the astronomy club was. And despite being the only member of the club, the principal decided to disband it. She thought it wasn't fair.

Gaeul takes a shower and lies down on her bed.

Mom's probably coming home late again, she thought. Of course she wouldn't mind.

Her head was pounding at the thought of what actually happened last night ; were they really the Lost Boys? Was Chan one of them?

Did Chan really choose to leave her?

Gaeul sighs. She had to respect Chan's choice. Maybe, just maybe, Neverland was a much better place for him to be.

He deserved to be happy.

Gaeul kept telling herself that she's going to be okay without Chan by her side. She's going to be fine. The man in the moon was there for her. She always knew he has.

Gaeul smiled to herself. What if they were able to communicate? She couldn't wait to hear the stories about the moon.

The stories that she's been waiting for, all her life.

What if the illusion of the man in the moon was real? What if he was good looking?

Gaeul smiles to herself.

Ah...finally I've finally found a friend..

Man in the Moon • JisooWhere stories live. Discover now