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"There is a moon inside every human being. 

Learn to be companions with it."


"Gaeul, you're soaked!"

Gaeul walks inside and was greeted by her mother. Seeing some colour back on her mother's cheeks made her feel a little relieved, knowing that she was getting better.

"Didn't I tell you not to walk home in the rain? You'll catch a cold!"

I would catch a cold and couldn't care less. It would be better that way. Not going to school and staying at home, Jisoo by my side.

Her mother hurriedly prepared the bath and took out some towels from her.

"Leave your clothes here. I'll do the laundry soon."

Gaeul nods and walks into the bath, letting the hot water calm her down. It was freezing even at home, and surprisingly the rain was even heavier at home.

Once she finished her bath, Gaeul steps out of her bathroom and sits by her window, waiting for a hint of moonlight to shine upon her.

It took some time for Jisoo to appear. She almost fell asleep while doing so.

"Gaeul, I'm back." The boy gently greets her, and Gaeul's eyes snaps open, a little startled.

He laughs at her reaction, and Gaeul mumbles something, telling him it wasn't funny.

"How was school?"

"Was alright."

Man in the Moon • JisooWhere stories live. Discover now