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"The moon was silent,
But it always yearned for love."


"Where are you going?"

Gaeul was frantically looking through her closet and pulling out clothes, throwing them onto the bed. Jisoo didn't understand why she was such in a rush either.

"I have a school trip," she answers, going through her checklist, crossing out things she already put inside the bag "the science club is taking a trip to the nearest hill for us to camp out. We're doing a group study on stars."

"I thought you were in the astronomy club?"

"I was the only member, so that's that." Gaeul sighs, remembering the non existent club "the science club seniors were kind enough to let me join. They were happy that I volunteered."

Jisoo nods. There were thoughts inside his head that went 'did she make some friends?' and 'did I miss something?'. He's sure he's never seen Gaeul with anyone at school before. She'd usually spend her time in the library during recess or eat alone.

"Will you be okay alone?" He asks.

Gaeul had her back facing him, so when she froze, Jisoo couldn't make out the expression on her face. It made him guilty, but he wanted to make sure.

"I'm sure I will," Gaeul answers, a faint smile on her lips "it won't be that long. Besides, it'll be easier to talk to you. Even though we're still far away, I could see you a little more up close."

Jisoo blushed. This girl sure knows how to make him flustered.

"Be sure not to forget anything," Jisoo tells her, making Gaeul nod.

"I won't forget you!" Gaeul grins, and Jisoo's cheeks felt like they were melting. He took thr initiative to disappear from sight as Gaeul laughed at his reaction.


"Alright everyone, make sure you have everything ready. Keep all your phones, electronic devices in your bag, it's gonna be a long journey." The teacher stood in front of the students with maps in their hand. They were already standing in front of the pathway up the hill. Gaeul was excited. Not.

Out of all people, why did she have to be teamed up with Mingyu?

Each team had three people in it, Gaeul, Mingyu, and a foreign senior named Teresa. Gaeul never knew her school had foreign students before.

She could actually feel Mingyu side eyeing her, and it was extremely uncomfortable, considering what happened between the two of them.

"Hi! I'm Teresa. You guys can drop the 'eonni' and 'noona', I'm not really that comfortable with honorifics." Teresa, a tall girl with chestnut brown hair smiles and exchanged looks between her other two members.

"But I like noonas," Mingyu says "I like you."

Teresa beamed, "Hey, thanks! That's the first time someone told me they liked me here. I like you too! Wow you're tall."

Man in the Moon • JisooWhere stories live. Discover now