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There was a knock on is door and he lazily opens one eye, and immediately knew that he was an hour late for his job.

He overslept.

It was last night, when he used every last bit of his power to increase the brightness of the moon, which was worth it, since he was happy to see the girl and her mother get home safely.

The man leaves his small space inside his home and goes outside to sit on the bench by his house, only to have his head bump into something- or someone, to be specific.

"Moon hyung! You're awake!" The boy exclaims and pulls him into a hug, then proceeds to let go "gosh, we were so worried about you."


"We thought you were dead. Anyway, here's something I got from that girl you like." The boy picks up a box from the ground and hands it to him, causing the man to lose his balance considering it was quite heavy ; and that he was paper thin.

"She gave this to me?" The man asks in disbelief.

The other boy nods, "She did. I was just helping with delivery, by the way. I gotta run now, the Lost Boys might get into trouble again, those bratty boys. See ya, Moon hyung!"

The man watches as Peter Pan flies away and leaves him in his own planet, in his own world, alone.

"Thanks, Pan!" The man shouts, audible enough for Peter Pan to hear, but he just flies and doesn't look back.

Let me tell you something ; the man's heart was pounding so hard that it could rattle the whole moon if possible.

He was so happy.

He stared at the box. Wrapped in wrapping paper, a one with a design. It was coloured, pink and blue and hearts and he wondered if paper was edible in the beginning, tearing a small piece of it and puts it inside his mouth, then immediately spitting it out, grimacing at the bland taste.

The man doesn't know these objects ; paper or sellotape, or a box, or a telescope. He made a conclusion that these items were what humans use for a living, everyday.

When he finally opens the box, there was a silver telescope placed inside it ; still ever so shiny and so new like nobody's ever touched it before.

And it was new. The girl gave him the one she got for her birthday, since she already has another one of her own sitting by her window.

Man in the Moon • JisooWhere stories live. Discover now