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"The sun watches what I do,

But the moon knows all my secrets."


"She's still sleeping?"

"Of course she is you brailsnain."

"Did you just say brailsnain?"

"Oh shut up Chan,"

"She's really pretty, though. Her hair's as black as the night."

"That's not very poetic, Hansol."

"Shut up, you're all so noisy."

The three boys flinch when Hoshi speaks. Gaeul stirs in her sleep.

"See, you even made her wake up." Hoshi continues. Seungkwan snorts.

"Why are you such a grouch today, Hoshi, is it because you're doing this because you know she's in love with the moon and you're just jealous-"

A hat hits Seungkwan in the face, leaving him baffled. Hansol starts laughing.

"Good morning?" Gaeul yawns as she sat up, Chan quickly squatting down by the straw bed next to his sister. She notices an unfamiliar face besides her brother, Hoshi and the other Lost Boy she's secretly met up with before.

"It's evening." Hansol quips.

"Well, the mornings here are unusually short. Either way, welcome to our home noona," Chan gets up and does gestures with his arms, showing her all around the room. It wasn't exactly small, but it was big enought to fit at least four boys living in one house. Plus, it was underground.

"I'm Hansol by the way," the other boy greets her from the wooden table, waving "that's Seungkwan."

"I've met him before, he visited me randomly." Gaeul states, remembering when the boy had suddenly appeared in front of her window just when she was about to sleep. It didn't surprise her anymore if she met the Lost Boys, but Seungkwan definitely wasn't one of them, because technically he was different-

"You better not crash the real world again Tinker Bell, or I'll lock you up in your stupid tree." Hoshi threatens. Seungkwan lets out an exaggerated gasp.

Man in the Moon • JisooWhere stories live. Discover now