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" There are certain nights when the wolves stay silent and the night howls, "


"Mom? I'm home!"

Gaeul steps inside her home as silence greets her, her mother nowhere to be found.

She reads the note left beside the plate of cookies on the table.

"Ah, she's working again."

Life with a single mother wasn't easy. Gaeul understood her mother. A very hardworking, independent woman who decided to stand up, even after her divorce and the loss of her son. Even if the wounds were still there.

Gaeul steps inside her room and throws herself onto the bed. Tiring day.

She glanced at the clock.

Six more hours to midnight.

Just thinking about nightfall makes her feel all giddy ; she loves nighttime, especially when she gets to meet the moon every night.

She hates it when the clouds cover the moonlight, she would sit by her window and wait for the wind to blow the clouds away, but nothing actually happens so she goes to sleep instead.

Nobody's been as excited for nightfall as she has.

Gaeul thought ; What if there actually is a man who lives in the moon? What if he's charming and tall and good looking-

"Well what if the crush you had on this whole time turned out to be an old man?" She asks herself, taking a cookie from the table and stuffs it inside her mouth, shaking her head at the thought.

Gaeul didn't know how she started to like the moon. She didn't know. It happened for some reason, like the moon had the charm like every guy does.

She just fell in love with the moon. It was strange and she knows it, but for some reason she feels like someone's there. Someone's in the moon, listening to her stories and life problems and nodding, understanding her.

There are times where she would see faces on the moon that were made out of it's grey shadows, and she thinks maybe, just maybe, the moon had feelings too.

Man in the Moon • JisooWhere stories live. Discover now