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"I owe you my life, Your Majesty."

The Mermaid King stops in his tracks the moment he hears her voice, and proceeds to laugh heartily. His laugh resonated in Gaeul's ears like the pleasant sound of crashing waves.

"Please, there is no need to thank me. Perhaps it would be best to thank your friend over there," he pointed towards the familiar boy in green with his trident. "He desperately asked for our help when he knew that you and Minghao were captured, and well; he certainly did a great job convincing us. I believe I would not be able to sleep at night if I knew the fact that I let two innocent souls die from something that could've been prevented."

Gaeul stared up at him with gratitude in her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to say anything, for having a King himself be willing enough to testify for your innocence was something that Gaeul had not prepared for.

"You are a brave one, my dear, and I hope you don't lose that spirit anytime soon." The King smiles back at Gaeul, large hand patting the small of her shoulder. Both of them hear footsteps approaching them - the same heeled leather boots with gold engraved into its sole - and watched as the familiar Prince approached them.

"Your Majesty," Junhui bowed, eyes on the ground. "Pardon me for my distasteful mannerisms towards you and your men's presence today. If there was any way I could make it up to you; gifts, luxuries, wealth; my family would be more than honoured to present them to you."

The King waved his hand in the air, "Please, there is no need for such flattery." He smiles, and turns to Gaeul with a knowing look in his eyes. "...unless, I believe there is something that you could do for me."

"Anything, Your Majesty."

"I suppose you could help grant this girl her wish?"

Gaeul's eyes widened, and after a pause, she asked, "My wish?"

"Why, yes," the King mused, looking thoughtful. "Didn't you come here with a specific goal in mind? It is your goal to meet the love of your life -- is it not?"

Gaeul's cheeks had obviously reddened at the mention of her love, and it was became even more obvious now that she knew the King found her flustered expression amusing.

"Your- I- Your Majesty, I can't possibly have you ask to do that for me-"

"It is the least that Junhui could do after all the trouble you went through, risking your life for so many people," The King gently pats the top of Gaeul's head. "Take it as a form of gratitude for letting me know that my son was in danger. And for returning millions of our disappearing pearls back to our kingdom."

It was an unbelievable reward -- too good to be true. Gaeul still could not believe it herself, but she found herself looking back at Junhui hopefully -- waiting for his response to what the King had just requested.

Junhui chewed on his lip, and then sighed.

"Very well," he clasped his hands and offered a genuine smile. "I will ask the sorcerers to prepare for such an occasion -- I look forward to meeting the Man in the Moon in his human form very, very soon."

Man in the Moon • JisooWhere stories live. Discover now