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"yO SHAVE THAT!11!1!!"



The tall boy's conversation with his friends died off when he spun around towards the voice. One minute he was standing up straight and the next moment a sudden force had pushed him down, rolling over onto the grass, the weight of someone on top of him.

"I've got great news!" Gaeul exclaims, face brighter than ever.

"Alright I get the fact that you're excited but-"

"No! Wait, I gotta show you what I got from the science club, they gave me this special charm that was-"

"Lee Gaeul! Can we please switch our position to a proper one, please?"

At the mention of that, the girl finally realizes what situation they were in. She looked around. People were watching. How embarrassing.

"Geez, and I thought I was the one stirring up rumors about the both of us," Mingyu huffs as he fixes his blazer, dusting off any grass that was sticking to it "now people are gonna think that it's true."

"What's true?"

"That we're dating."

"Pfft. That's the best they can come up with?"

"Okay just where on earth did you learn to be  savage?" Mingyu massages his temples, mainly frustrated towards the girl but also trying to ignore that he was publicly humiliated today "and why on earth are you so jumpy? It's creeping me out in so many ways."

"I've got great things to tell! That's why." Gaeul answers, getting all jumpy again.

"And why exactly do I have to listen to you?"

"Because you're my friend."

Mingyu clutches his chest. He leans himself against a tree, suddenly taking out a hanky and pretending to wipe away his tears, "Such beautiful words."

"Gross," Gaeul comments, causing Mingyu to immediately return his composure again "I have so many things to tell you! Wanna head to my place?"

"This is unbelievable; you're actually inviting me over?" Mingyu's eyes widened at her sudden offer. I mean, Gaeul; who was so reserved is finally opening up to him?

"You've got nothing better to do anyway." Gaeul has a point.

"Sure, but you didn't need to ask me that loud. The girls are giving you glares, you know." Mingyu lowkey thinks that the stares are scary. Women are scary. Yet, why does he flirt with so many of them?

"Are you trying to indicate that you're popular or something? Because I'm just plain disgusted." Gaeul states, taking out her wallet as they walk "besides, it's my last day here anyway, so I don't really have to care about anything."

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