Chapter 79: The Mind Of The Head

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After careful analysis and careful study of Tai Shi’s behavior, Zi Yan finally came to a conclusion. Could it be that he did not do enough, and that the elders’ reputation now has not yet reached the standard he expected? Of course, the title of the first person in the celestial master’s field, the other person’s achievements, he does not look at it.

The more I want to be purple, the more likely I feel, the silent decision to seize all opportunities in the future, and the opportunity to create opportunities will be influenced by the elders.

Therefore, just after he was cured, he was taught by his master, and when he returned to his own house, he was stunned by a large number of martial arts affairs brought by Wang Xuzhi.

Rely on, say good old elders?

How many herbs have died in the drug peak, how many herbs have been spent on Danfeng, how many papers have been wasted by Fufeng, and even a few beasts of the beasts of the beasts have been born? Why do you want her to manage this situation? She will not deliver the baby again!

"Zhu Yaojie?" Wang Xuzhi looked worriedly at the edge of the collapse. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, do you think I am okay?" Zhu Yao returned to him with a bitter smile. No, she had to talk to Zi Yan. She still has the responsibility to save the world.

"I heard that you were injured two days ago." Wang Xuzhi hesitated and looked at her awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I know today that you have gone to such a dangerous place."

I wished that I would turn my head and white him. "How do you know in advance?" The rescue behavior was decided by Yuan Ying's high-level officials. He will not know a Golden Dragon period.

"If I know, naturally, I will not let Zhu Yaojie take this risk." Wang Xuzhi was a little excited, and Cang Cangcheng was a city of evil spirits, and he was relieved of her.

"Little kid." Zhu Yao pressed his head. A fierce battle, "This is a matter for adults. You will practice well and worry about what you are doing."

"Zhu Yaojie!" Wang Xuzhi's hair was blown up, and her hand was pulled indignantly. A serious face, "I am not a child, you don't always treat me as a child."

"Yes, yes, you are an adult." Zhu Yao was able to recite a sentence, staring at the various books in front, suddenly had an idea. All smashed up. Put it in his hand, "Come, give you a chance to prove the adult."

"..." One of Wang Xu, sighed deeply, "Zhu Yaojie. You will not intend to push these things to me from the beginning."

"How can I say that it is pushing? I am trying to meditate you." Anyway, she refused to admit it. She patted him on the chest. "Men must have a role. Go and go, prove your chance." ,You can do it!"

"You..." Wang Xuzhi's face was tangled, and he sighed deeply in the middle of the half, and accepted the book of the hill. Into the storage bag, "You will only recognize my ability when I bully me."

how come. She doesn't deceive him, she doesn't think he has any ability. Still a child, touch your head!

Wang Xuzhi returned without rebellion, letting her claws slap on her head, glanced at her familiar and strange face, and grasped the hand on the side of her hand. It seems to have decided, "I wish you a distant sister. I have thought about what you said to me that day."

"Ah?" What?

He pulled down the hand that was so happy. But did not loosen, tightly held in the palm of the hand, the temperature of the palm of the hand is a little bit hot, I wish to awkwardly pumped, not twitching.

"There is no faith in people, so I decided to keep my promise."

"Ah?" He wants to say shrimp?

"I decided." Wang Xuzhi's hand suddenly tightened, and I was a bit painful. "No matter what you become, I will marry you and take care of you forever."

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