Chapter One: The Ball (Part 1)

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POV: Maya

When people ask how I managed to score a perfect GPA, plethora of scholarships, and excellent recommendation letters, I usually lie and tell them something like positivity or resourcefulness.

What I don't do is confess that all my hours of studying, endless volunteer work, and sleepless nights are all due to one underlying factor: uncontrollable, gut-wrenching, anxiety.

But, hey, at least it got me invited to something.

The Bluff City Ball: aka Memphis University's annual charity gala at which its most prestigious alumni, wealthiest donors, and a handful of top students do god knows what until the early hours of the morning.

And me.

As one of this year's valedictorians, I'm one of the lucky few undergrads who managed to snag an invitation. Meaning four years of blood, sweat, and tears might just pay off.

At least, if my roommate's pep talk about meeting the love of my life is to be believed.

Would I rather be curled up in bed, reading my favorite smutty vampire book?


Would skipping out on the party also mean missing my opportunity to meet hot rich guys?

Also maybe.

Only one way to find out.

"Maya! You made it!"

Speak of the devil. 

I turn just in time to see my longtime roommate (and de facto best friend) Charlotte Ramirez, wobbling towards me on four inch stilettos. Her naturally black hair has been dyed soft ginger, the latest in a string of color changes, and she's wearing a classy midi dress in dark green silk. 

"Yeah," I force a smile, "Guess your pep talk paid off after all." 

She pulls me into a hug before I can protest, and refuses to let go until I return the gesture with just as much enthusiasm. 

"See? I knew  you'd change your mind once I mentioned the free food." 

Charlotte and I met freshman year of college, when we were both randomly assigned as each other's roommates in the honor's dorm. We've been friends ever since, though we're about as opposite as could be. She's a Computer Science major with a penchant for fashion. I'm an English major with a book addiction. Together, we make one whole normal-functioning human.

Well, sort of.

"Yeah," I shrug, "Also, Dr. Johnson might have given me a last-minute A on the condition that I attend, so..."

My mental health might be taking a ride through the garbage disposal, but my grades are in perfect order. Go figure.

"Dr. Johnson, as in, the public speaking professor?"

"That's the one."

Charlotte whistles appreciatively. 

"Nice. So is that why you're wearing..." she trails off, but her eyes scan my dress with confusion. "You know, since you found out last minute?"

She's been trying to get me more into fashion for years, to no avail. My scholarship doesn't cover things like ball gowns and carriages, unfortunately. And unlike her, I don't have men lining up to buy me luxury clothes and handbags. 

"You mean this isn't vintage Dior?" I fake gasp. "That cashier at Marshalls must've been lying to me"

Charlotte rolls her eyes, but I twirl in a circle anyway, letting the awkward blue maxi-dress spin out around me.

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