Chapter Eighteen: The Proposition (part 2)

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POV: Maya 

Holy shit.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

It all adds up, and yet somehow I didn't see it coming: Henry's nervous behavior, the fact that he invited my parents to meet us here, then talked to my dad privately before ending the night with a dinner just the two of us.

Everything was leading up to this.

This proposal.


"You don't mean that," I stammer, hands shaking as I try to figure out why the hell this man—this beautiful, kind, absolute miracle of a man—would be saying these words to me.

He smiles, and drops to one knee.

All the air seems to vanish from my lungs.

"We've only known each other for one summer," I protest. "Just a few months. And I'm just...I'm just..."

There are a million ways I can finish the sentence. None of which seem appropriate to blurt out during a marriage proposal.

Henry drops one hand into his pocket. "I'm in love with you," he says simply.

The words hit me like an ice-bath.

Shock at first, followed by a gradual warmth as my body adjusts. Eventually the feeling shifts into a warm, gooey, melted chocolate kind of sensation.

Henry loves me.

Henry loves me.

And, what's more, he said it first.

"Maya," Henry continues, voice low, "Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

And, this time, I can't seem to find the words to argue.

Not even when he retrieves a small black box.

Not even when he opens it to reveal an intricate engagement ring.

Not even when I recognize it as my grandmother's ring, which means Henry must've planned for this ahead of time, and asked my dad to bring it to him tonight.

"I never want to lose you," Henry continues, "And I meant it when I said I wanted you to be mine and mine alone. If you let me, I'll spend the rest of my life with you."

I can't think. Can't speak.

"We can wait however long you want," he adds sheepishly, "Do this however you want. On your terms, I mean. Anything, as long as I can have the honor of keeping you by my side."

My throat feels like it has a rock in it, and I know if I try to speak I'll end up sobbing.

So, instead, I throw my arms around his neck and press my lips to his.

His strong arms wrap around me in response, and he stands, pulling us both to our feet.

"Is that a yes?" he teases.

"Of course it's a yes," I laugh-sob, "I love you, too."

He kisses me again, and whatever was holding me back breaks free.

He's handsome and strong and brave and intelligent and everything I've ever wanted in a man.

And he's mine.

He breaks our kiss, then holds out the engagement ring.

Or, rather, my engagement ring.

I still can't believe he managed to get it from my family. Or the fact that this means he got my father's blessing. No wonder he was so nervous today.

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