Chapter Four: The Goodbye (Part 2)

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POV: Henry

"Your mother called."


We've only just taken off, and Trevor has already cornered me in the airport lounge. Maya is waiting for me to bring her a glass of wine, and I'm pretty sure she's not going to relax until I do.

"What did she say? I assume she's not happy?"

"Understatement of the century," Trevor sighs.

I can't help but smile. It's always amusing to me when he lets loose a little and says what he really thinks.

"How bad is it?"

"She doesn't believe our story."

"That's not really that surprising to me."

In fact, I'd be more surprised if she did believe it.

Spontaneous love story?

Summer fling?

Whatever the others are calling it, she'll have questions. I have no doubt she's heard all about last night, and I'm not sure Trevor's excuses will be able to hold her off for long.

I look over at Trevor, but he's not smiling.

There's something else. Something he's hesitant to tell me.


Trevor hands me the file in his hands.

I flip it open, and realize quickly that it's the information he's stockpiled on Maya.

Though I'm sure there's more important things to look at, I take a quick look at her birthday first. It doesn't take me long to do the mental math so I know how old she is.

Twenty five?

A pang of guilt hits me in the chest.

I'm too old for her.

Hell, why do I even care?

Because when she realizes who you really are, she'll never forgive you.

I force myself to turn the page. There's some photos of a bedroom, medical history of anxiety and depression, but that's about it. I look back at Trevor, not understanding what he's getting at.

"Her lease was set to expire on the fifteenth. That's five days from now. Her things were already boxed up as if she were moving, but as far as I can tell, she had no further plans. No lease signed elsewhere."

He hesitates, but I'm too tired to play mental games all day. If he has something to say, he should say it.

"Spit it out."

"You may want to consider that this is a trap. Perhaps she knew who you were all along? Took advantage of your generosity? She could have approached you at the party on purpose."

"No," I shake my head calmly.

I know Trevor is just looking out for me, but it's irritating to hear he thinks I'd be misled this easily. If it were anyone else saying this to me, I would shut the conversation down immediately. But since it's Trevor, I give him the courtesy of a response.

"I approached her after I saw her stumbling through the crowd. She wasn't coherent enough to recognize me anyway. It's more likely she just hadn't found another place to live yet."

"Just consider it," he urges.

I don't bother to respond, and tuck the folder under my arm so I can grab the two glasses I've fixed off the bar.

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