Chapter Nineteen: The Invitation (part 2)

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POV: Henry

Thanks to my influence—and Vitale's—our nominations of Noah Zhang and Malik Jones were both approved for expedited membership to the Ironside Club.

The votes were cast last week, with roughly fifty-five percent voting in favor for both men. It might not sound like much, but in our world it's as good as a landslide victory. Angelo Vitale, for example, was only voted in by fifty-one percent after he deposed and murdered the previous Don of the Chicago Mafia.

Hell, even my own mother wasn't approved until she'd been married to my father for ten years. Until then, she could only attend the club as the guest of an approved member.

Of course, Malik's membership is still contingent on his marriage to Sofia. If he breaks off the engagement, or they divorce, he'll lose membership. But seeing as membership to the Ironside Club is practically priceless, I doubt he'll be keen on either of those options—no matter how difficult Sofia makes married life.

As the children of approved club members, Sofia and I didn't have to go through the vetting process. We're legacy members by birth. Technically speaking, we could get kicked out via a referendum, but that rarely happens. If a majority of Ironside members want you gone, it's much easier for them to simply have you killed then to hold a vote to expel you.

So, since new membership is exceedingly rare, it's cause for celebration.

Extravagant celebration, to be specific.

"Are you sure this dress is okay?" Maya asks.

We've just entered the party, but she's already received several star struck glances from awed patrons. I'll admit, it's difficult for me to take my eyes off of her. She's wearing a blood red gown that skims low over her perfect tits and ass. Unlike the first time I brought her here, when she wore a simple black dress, she's not shying away from color. Instead of trying to fade into the background, she stands out like a gorgeous, confident socialite. 

Or, a princess.


She slips her arm into mine, and I lead us across the room, taking in who's here—and who's not.

Noah Zhang and his family stand near the center with a variety of supporters around them. I recognize several of my men among the crowd, including Cian and Ronan, the latter of which has now made a full recovery since being shot a couple weeks ago. A few of Vitale's men are also paying their respects, though they appear less than enthusiastic.

Kevin and Julie Zhang, Noah's parents, are dressed to the nines and seem to fit in naturally. For a couple of newcomers, they look right at home. Like Noah, Kevin is well-built and confident. Julie Zhang, on the other hand, is both petite and soft-mannered.

I drag my gaze from the Zhang family and search the crowd for other familiar faces.

Malik Jones and Angelo Vitale are hovering by the bar, drinks in hand. As usual, Malik looks charming and comfortable, but Sofia is nowhere near him. In fact, I don't see her anywhere.

Gertrude Williams, on the other hand, stands out of the crowd like a fucking firecracker in a pitch-black sky. And not in a good way.

She's dressed in an eighties style mini-dress with sleeves so big she looks like a linebacker. As if that wasn't enough, it's also bright pink and bedazzled with plastic rhinestones. She also appears to be barefoot, for reasons unknown. 

Perhaps worse than that, though, is the fact that she's busy grinding against some low-ranking nobody in a shitty polyester suit. Worse, because it might just start a gunfight at what's supposed to be a celebratory event. Because Aleksander Lis is standing across the room, watching her like a goddamn lion stalking his prey. And he doesn't look happy.

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