Chapter Ten: The King (Part 2🔥)

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authors note: if y'all know me irl or are my family stop reading asap ok FINAL WARNING SMUT AHEAD BEEP BEEP BEEP WARNING GO AWAY!

to everyone else: ask and you shall receive lol 

SPECIAL THANKS to the seven people who commented voting for a smut chapter, this is for y'all and it's 50% longer than my normal chapters cause i got a little carried away lol 


POV: Maya 

"What if I changed my mind?"

Henry's eyes narrow, and he pulls back from my lips.

"About what?"

"About this. About us," I correct. "What if I don't want to be with you anymore?"

Something in his expression softens, and he pulls back another inch, so that we're no longer touching.

"Despite what you may believe, Maya, I'm not a monster. I won't touch you without your clear, enthusiastic consent."

I can see from the look in his eye that he means it. If I told him to stop, he would.

Which means the warning Sofia gave me about how Henry would treat me in the bedroom can't be true. Though, from the bruises on her body, she may have been speaking from personal experience with men. If I see her again, I'll try and repay her kindness by helping her out of whatever situation she's in. It's the least I can do.

Henry must've read the expression on my face, because his eyes soften further, and he brushes his thumb softly against my cheek.

"What's wrong?"

His voice is low. Steady.

"Sofia said you would hurt me," I admit.

His brow creases with distaste.

"I would never hurt you, Maya."

I swallow nervously.

His eyes follow the movement in my throat, but otherwise he doesn't move.

"What else did she tell you?" he asks, voice deceptively calm.

"That you would make me bleed. That you would throw me out on the street when you're done with me."

His jaw flexes with anger, along with something else.

Something dangerous.

"Yet here you stand," he says softly.

Slowly, the brush of his thumb dips to my neck, to my hammering pulse.

"Is it true?"

There's no hiding my frantic heart rate from him. He'll know I'm nervous. Might as well ask.

He smiles darkly, then shakes his head no.

"I have never been...intimate with Sofia Vitale. It's likely she overheard rumors of my cruelty from her familia. The Italians don't think kindly of the Irish, despite our tenuous alliance."

So, they haven't slept together.

Relief floods my body.


Henry's touch rises to my face, and he cups my chin, gently forcing me to look him in the eye.

"I won't hurt you," he repeats.

I nod. My breathing has turned shallow, my chest tight with anticipation. Does he know how much his touch affects me?

His thumb brushes against my lower lip, and I part my lips instinctively.

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