Chapter Twenty One: The Reconciliation (part 2)

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POV: Henry 

"So, how did it go with your mom?"

I close the penthouse door behind me before answering. When I turn to the living room, Maya is perched precariously on the edge of the couch, as if she's been anxiously awaiting my return for the past two hours. She's wearing her hair natural, styled in twin pigtails atop her head, each featuring a tiny, bright red bow that matches her skin-tight mini dress perfectly.

I have half a mind to bend her over the coffee table and make her scream my name. But seeing as she just asked me a question, it'll have to wait.

"We didn't kill each other."

Maya rolls her eyes, but I don't miss the grin on her face before she hides it.

"And what about the engagement party? Did you invite her?"

I loosen my necktie, then slide it off of my neck. "I did."

Maya narrows her eyes. "And?"

"She accepted the invitation," I say simply, deciding to skip the details of our awkward conversation, the accidental miscommunication, and the coffee mishap. Better to keep things simple.

"I'm assuming it didn't go over that easily," Maya chides, "But I'm glad y'all figured things out. Thank you for inviting her, I know you're still angry."

That's just it, though. Angry isn't the right word to use. After all that happened, Maya should be the one hesitant to let go and move on. Seeing her so willing to forgive is...unnerving.

Then again, maybe I'm just fucked in the head.

"How do you do it?" I ask.

Maya frowns, as if she doesn't quite understand what I'm asking.

"How do I do what?"

"Forget what happened and forgive so easily."

She crosses her arms. "First of all, I'm not forgetting, I'm just choosing to let go. It's easier that way. Secondly, I forgive on the condition that people change their behavior going forward. Your mom is making an effort, so I'm deciding to give her a second chance."

I nod, but she raises a hand to stop me before I can argue further.

"Besides," she smirks, "Shouldn't you of all people be glad I'm so forgiving? If I wasn't, I'm pretty sure I'd have written you off as a hopeless criminal."

"As opposed to what?" I tease.

"My fiancé, for one."


"Anyway, there's something else I need to talk to you about."

I drop my tie on the coffee table, then sit beside Maya on the couch. She turns to face me, then drapes her legs over mine. Despite the fact that we're supposed to be having a serious conversation, I can't help but admire the smoothness of her skin, or think of how easy it would be to pull her into my lap and...

"Charlotte called while you were out," she says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Charlotte?" I frown.

Not that I have anything against the girl, but if Maya's worried about something, as her tone suggests she is, then it can't be good. Plus, I don't exactly want to overstep my bound given her friend's weirdly fucked-up relationship with Zhang.

Not yet, at least.

"Yeah," she winces slightly, "And it's not good."

I frown. "What exactly does not good entail?"

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