Chapter Twenty-Three: (part 1)

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Author's note: So for some reason Wattpad didn't send a notification to a lot of y'all for last week's update, idk what happened but yeah just wanted to say I did update last week it just didn't send a notification!! So y'all might wanna make sure y'all read the last chapter before reading this one. Ok love u bye!! 


POV: Henry 

I find my mark on the ninth floor of the Harold Washington library.

He's hunched over a table in the corner, gray hair grown out longer than I've seen in years. His mustache, too, now that I think about it. Instead of his usual black attire, he's wearing a massive green puffer jacket and jeans. He doesn't see me coming.

"Guess you're finally taking retirement seriously, huh?"

Trevor looks up from his book, then gives me a wry grin. Despite his retirement, he looks somehow younger than he has in years. More relaxed. Or at the very least, less stressed.

"You could have told me you were coming. I'd have met you downstairs," he hisses.

Well, at least he hasn't lost his touch.

"I wanted to see the place," I shrug, "You know, I remember coming here with you when I was younger."

We both turn and gaze around the room in tandem, as if to somehow catch a glimpse of the past. The ceiling is entirely glass, like a greenhouse, and four twin trees stretch gracefully up from each corner. It's no wonder the place is called the Winter Garden. There are a few tables scattered around for library patrons to read at, but Trevor is the only one here save for an elderly woman, who's busy playing solitaire.

"That was a long time ago," Trevor says simply. "I'm surprised you remember it at all."

Neither of us voices the obvious: we came here after my father died, in search of a quiet place for Trevor to talk some sense into me. A quiet place outside of the Mob's usual headquarters, or various safe houses, which, ironically, weren't safe at all at the time.

"May I sit?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Of course," nods to the chair across from him and sets his book aside. "I was just about to take a break, anyway."

"What were you reading?"

Even as I ask it, I look to read the cover, but Trevor beats me to it and shoves the book beneath the table.

Fast, but not fast enough for me to miss the telltale signs of a romance book cover.

Well, what do you know?

Looks like someone has a soft spot after all.

"Nothing of interest to you, I'm sure," Trevor protests.

"Right." I clear my throat, not sure whether to call him out on it or not. "Well, I wanted to let you know my mother will be attending the engagement party."

"Will she?" He quirks an eyebrow in amusement. "That's interesting. So, you've decided to forgive her after all."

"Maya," I correct, "Decided to forgive her. I'm still working on it."

He nods slowly, weighing my words.

"Well, whoever's idea it was, I'm still proud of you."

His words settle over me like a hug, though both of us are careful not to let any emotion show. Old habits die hard, I suppose.

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