Chapter Three: The Contract (Part 2)

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POV: Maya 

I never knew room service could be so good.

Then again, maybe being unimaginably wealthy comes with some perks.

Perks like blueberry French toast with raspberry maple compote and powdered sugar.

I eagerly dip my fork into the dish and shove the first of many bites into my mouth. It's so good I groan in satisfaction, an old habit that I've never been able to get rid of.


I look up to see Henry peering down at me. He looks...curious.

"Yeah," I nod, though with my mouth full the word comes out muffled.

"If you're still hungry after that, feel free to eat more. We have a long day ahead of us."

I shoot him a quizzical look.

"You'll need to move in with me. Trevor will handle the details once you give him your address. Or," he hesitates, "he may have already found it. Either way, there's much to do. You need to contact your family and friends— anyone who will notice your absence— and explain to them that you're spending the summer with your boyfriend."

At the word boyfriend I choke on my breakfast.

He waits patiently for me to compose myself before continuing.

"If all goes according to plan, we'll announce our engagement. By the end of summer, we'll both make it out of this for the better."

"And I can go wherever I choose?" I ask.

"Yes. I will ensure you're safely relocated wherever you wish."

"Even if that's... the Austrian alps, per se?"

His brow furrows in confusion.

"I suppose."

"Great! I've always wanted to see the alps. Sound of music, you know?"

He nods slowly, and I get the feeling I'm embarrassing him. Perhaps he's rethinking his offer.

I better shut up.

Two pieces of French toast later the famous Trevor turns up. I don't know what I was expecting–maybe a seven foot tall wrestling champion–but a diminutive gray-haired man wasn't it.

"This is your bodyguard?" I ask, before I can stop myself.

Henry smiles, but it's quickly replaced by a professional mask of seriousness.

"Trevor is the sole person I can trust."

"Besides me," I joke, playing in to the loving girlfriend character.

Henry turns to me in surprise. I expect him to laugh, or join me in the role play, but he looks thoroughly confused.

"Yes. Besides you."

Somehow the words don't sound like a joke when he says them.

"I've ordered a moving company to your apartment for ten," Trevor continues, unconcerned by our awkward interaction, "We'll leave for Chicago at six. Any questions?"

Henry nods thoughtfully, "That will work."

Wait a second. Did he just say Chicago?

Then again, I suppose it was unrealistic to imagine this hotel room as his permanent residence.

Henry turns to me, "We have until five to tie up loose ends. Then we'll head to the airport."

"Airport?" I wince. Now is probably not the time to mention I'm terrified of flying.

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