Chapter Seven: The Debut (Part 3)

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POV: Maya 

Henry puts his hand on the small of my back, and just like earlier, I struggle not to read into it.

Maybe Henry's right, and sex would complicate the relationship. What if it just made everything twice as sensual?

Probably best not to think about it.

A short walk later we arrive outside a massive boutique. Half of what's in the window is designer, and my mouth falls open as I spot one of the price tags.

Four thousand dollars for a dress?

"Uh," I mutter, "Maybe we should go somewhere cheaper?"

Even if he is rich, this seems a bit too much to justify spending on me.

"Maya," Henry says softly, sending heat rushing down my body.

He leans down, and his rough beard scratches the tip of my ear as he draws closer.

"I promise you, I can afford it."


"Don't make me tell you again."

He probably meant it as a threat, but heat pools low in my stomach at his words.

Does he even realize how that sounds?

My mind flashes with images of me bent over his knee, his hands on my back, my dress pushed up around my waist.

I must look embarrassed, because he laughs gently before ushering me inside the store.

We're greeted by a well-dressed saleswoman named Mickie, who does her best to show me row after row of elegant dresses while my mind spins with images of Henry and I doing less-than-appropriate things.

"So? Which ones caught your eye?"

Mickie is staring at me expectantly, but I feel so overwhelmed that I don't even know where to start. If only she knew that the last thing on my mind was a dress.

"What do you think would be best?" I ask, hoping she's up for the challenge.

Her eyes gleam with excitement, and she nods.

"I'll be right back with a couple pieces. You can go ahead into the dressing room, if you'd like."


Henry follows me to the dressing room door, then takes a seat on the bench outside.

"I'll be here," he smiles.

I have half a mind to pull him in after me, but I resist the urge.

Dating without developing feelings is seriously difficult. Plus, I don't want to make him uncomfortable. Why did he have to say something like that?

"Here you go. These were my top pics for you."

Mickie hands me four dresses through the curtain, and I carefully set them on the hook. They're all floor-length and fitted, but thankfully there aren't any poofy skirts for me to contend with. I don't think I could pull off a Cinderella look if my life depended on it.

"Thanks." I try to at least sound cheerful as she exits the room.

It's not every day a girl finds a billionaire to buy her a ballgown, I should enjoy it while it lasts.

The first dress is a bit too long for me, and I'm not confident heels could fix it. Despite this, it flatters my chest nicely. Maybe if the others don't fit, I can make it work.

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