Chapter Thirteen: The Crusade (Part 1)

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POV: Henry

"What do you mean, she's gone?"

My mother's voice is slightly raised in alarm, though she's doing her best not to show it.

If anything, it makes me feel worse.

I force myself to breathe.



Then repeat.

"Bianchi has made his move. Our time is up."

The words are cold on my tongue. Far too emotionless to possibly encompass what I'm feeling right now. But my mother doesn't understand emotion, she only speaks in cold, hard, truths. It's a fact I've known my entire life. Accepted as indisputable.

So, when fear flashes in her eyes, it's entirely unexpected.

"What happened to a week?" she adds, feigning indifference.

Just like that, the fear in her eyes disappears.

Maybe I just imagined it, and it was simply a trick of the light.

Or maybe, there's more than one reason she wants the Vitales on our side.

If she's afraid of Bianchi, I can use it to my advantage.

"Change of plans," I shrug, despite the tension tightening my shoulders. "You have one day to get the Vitales on board."

"One day?" she scoffs. "Henry, really. You can't be serious."

But I am.

She must read it in my expression, because she settles back against her seat with a resigned sigh.

"Contact me when it's done," I say, standing to leave.

She waves me away without meeting my gaze.

It's better than arguing, though.

She'll do it. I'm sure of it. Even if it kills her to work with me.

She wants Chicago under our control, and this is a prime opportunity for her to accomplish that. No matter the reason. No matter what emotions she's letting influence her decision. It doesn't matter why, it only matters that she helps me get Maya back.

"Don't do anything rash," she adds, as I walk away.

A tremor of anger shakes my fingers. I clench them into fists and keep walking.

None of this is her fault, I remind myself.

No, the only one to blame is Bianchi.

Bianchi, and myself...

I shouldn't have left Maya alone.

Hell, I should have known that Bianchi would be waiting. Watching for the opportunity to take her from me.

If I get her back...

No—when I get her back, I'm never letting her out of my goddamn sight again.

The hostess nods politely as I leave the Ironside club, and my car doesn't so much as stutter when I press the pedal to the floor.

Despite this, despite the lack of traffic and the numbness in my limbs, an inconceivable sense of wrongness sinks into my veins.

I've taken lives before.

Killed when I had to.

But this is the first time I've found myself genuinely wanting to end another man's life.

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