Chapter Four: The Goodbye (Part 1)

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POV: Henry 

When I leaned towards Maya in the car earlier, she looked afraid.

I know I should be focusing on her parents, but I can't help but wonder why she reacted that way.

Better yet, who is responsible?

Anger rises in my chest as I imagine what could have happened to her. If I ever find out who made her this way...

No. I need to stay calm.

I take a deep breath and urge myself to resume my relaxed expression. I need to make a good impression, after all. Especially after the slip up in the driveway. I still need to ask her what that was all about, but we can talk later, when we're alone.

For now, I need to focus on her family.

"Coffee, black," a voice says, and I look up to see her father approaching me with a steaming cup of joe in hand.

He's a middle aged black man who's bald save for the sides of his head, but his accent is strikingly similar to Maya's.

From what she told me in the car, he's a retired teacher and hobby farmer. Should be easy enough to convince him I'm safe, as long as I focus on my education and maintain a professional image.

"Thank you, Mr. Green," I say appreciatively.

Maya hasn't uttered so much as a word, but I've managed to position us on the couch together so that we look more like a couple. My arm is slung behind her so that, from a distance, it looks like I have it draped across her shoulders. Her father seemed surprised to see us, and I wonder absentmindedly how many men she's introduced them to over the years. It must not be many, if he wasn't expecting this.

Being here feels strangely intimate, as if Maya has given me a glimpse into her childhood. Everything from the farm itself, which is lush and peaceful despite the rundown drive to get here, to the photos of Maya scattered around the kitchen. I can imagine her happy here, running through the grass and climbing trees. In some of the photos she even looks carefree, an expression I realize she doesn't wear often.

Maybe one day she can feel that way with me.

You only have one summer.

Don't get ahead of yourself.

You're not good for her.

I take a sip of coffee to bring myself back to reality and turn to Maya, giving her what I hope is a soft smile of reassurance. At least, that's what it's supposed to be. She looks nervous enough to combust. Her hair is in pigtails, and she looks so cute that I have to fight the urge to reach over and tug at them.

"So," her mom says, "How did you two meet?"

"We met at school," I say.

"At a party," Maya says simultaneously.


I struggle to find an explanation but come up empty handed.

"A school party," Maya adds.

Thankfully, her mom's expression is one of amusement. Her dad, on the other hand, looks thoroughly confused.

"How old are you?" he asks suddenly.

I inhale my coffee, choking and spitting it all over my cup and trousers. 

Maya shoots me a glare, which I'm pretty sure means, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Sorry," I cough.

"I'll get some napkins," her mom offers, rushing off to the kitchen.

"I'm twenty nine." It occurs to me that I didn't check Trevor's notes for Maya's age. Maybe I should have lied and said twenty five. He would have believed that. Why didn't I just say twenty five?

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