Math lesson, lunchtime, frustrated Evan, and Evan akumatized

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In Ms. Mendeleiev's class, there's a little time left before class ends as they put in the last bit of the notes on the Muscular System.

 Mendeleiev's class, there's a little time left before class ends as they put in the last bit of the notes on the Muscular System

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Ms. Mendeleiev: Okay, since we covered the Muscular System, I decided to give you all another homework assignment.

Nino: Aw man, again?

Ms. Mendeleiev: Your homework assignment is to write a one-page report on what muscular organ you chose why you think it's important and why you chose it. Have it ready to go for tomorrow. *They write down their homework assignments in their notebooks. Then, the bell rang. * See you all tomorrow. *They all gather their stuff leave the classroom and head into the halls. *

Nino: Just when we thought we could have a homework-free day.

Adrien: Well when we have to do something about the human body, she did mention we would get some homework.

Nino: Good thing not projects.

Alya: Hey, don't jinx it.

Nino: Okay, okay. *He chuckled and they go to their lockers and get their stuff for their next class. Marinette opened her day planner and wrote down what homework assignment she had to do from her Literature class and science classes. *

Marinette: Okay. Got 2 homework assignments. *She grabbed her algebra textbook and notebook; closed her locker and headed to Mr. Tenny's class next. In Mr. Tenny's classroom, Mr. Tenny erased the lesson from his previous class and wrote down a new lesson for his next class as some kids walked in and found their seats. Arwen and Elizabeth sit down together, Serena takes her seat, Esra, Will, and Chris walk in too, Amelia and Samantha go to their seats, and Nicole walks in too. *

Nicole: Mr. Tenny?

Mr. Tenny: Yes, Nicole?

Nicole: Do you have any tissues? My sinuses are acting up.

Mr. Tenny: Yes, I do. *He gets out a box of tissues and opens it. * Here you go, Nicole.

 * Here you go, Nicole

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Nicole: Thank you. *She takes a tissue and blows her nose as she goes to her seat. Then, Adrien and Nino took their seat, and Marinette and Alya walked in too. *

Prepare for a comeback (A trust that can't be broken) part 2Where stories live. Discover now