Art Master aftermath, reinstating, and French Literature lesson

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After the battle with Art Master, Ladybug retrieved the miraculous from Marc and Nathaniel, she went to Rooster Bold first.

Rooster Bold: Orikko, sunset! *He de-transform and Orikko hovered next to Marc, he then handed the miraculous back to Ladybug. *

Marc: Thanks for trusting me again, Ladybug

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Marc: Thanks for trusting me again, Ladybug.

Ladybug: You're welcome, Marc. Bug out! *She made her wings appear and fly away, Marc watched her fly away and he headed off to his first class. In the Boiler room, Caprikid waits for Ladybug. Luckily, she knew where to go and spotted him. *

Caprikid: Ziggy, hush it! *He de-transforms and Ziggy hovers next to Nathaniel, he hands Ladybug the miraculous back. *

Nathaniel: Thanks again, Ladybug

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Nathaniel: Thanks again, Ladybug.

Ladybug: You're welcome, Nathaniel. And a little word of advice? Don't doubt yourself when being a superhero. I know it can be tricky and sometimes scary, but life's about taking a risk.

Nathaniel: You're right. Thank you, Ladybug.

Ladybug: You're welcome. Bug out! *She runs out of the Boiler Room and Nathaniel leaves too. Ladybug goes into the girl bathroom, luckily no one's inside the stalls. * Spots off! *She de-transform, feeds Tikki, and quickly heads to Ms. Bustier's class before the final bell rings. In Mr. Damocles' office, Mr. Monlataing talks to Mr. Damocles one more time. *

Mr. Monlataing: Mr. Damocles, I'm sure we can think of a way for me to be an art teacher again.

Mr. Damocles: Well, I've been doing some thinking and... when Mrs. Styles and I saw you akumatized, I did some thinking. I wanna say... I'm sorry. I would like you to have your job back.

 I would like you to have your job back

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Prepare for a comeback (A trust that can't be broken) part 2Where stories live. Discover now