Luka thinking and meeting Harry and telling him what's up

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On the streets, Luka pedals his bike to his next delivery stop.

Luka: What should I give Marinette to show how much I still love her? It has to be meaningful, but what? *Soon, he stopped and handed a customer a box

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Luka: What should I give Marinette to show how much I still love her? It has to be meaningful, but what? *Soon, he stopped and handed a customer a box. *

Male citizen: Thank you, Luka

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Male citizen: Thank you, Luka.

Luka: You're welcome, Mr. Jones. *He gets on his bike and rides away. * Roses? Nah, I've given her roses many times. Probably have a whole garden full. *He pedals across the Pont des Arts bridge; he then hands a female citizen her box. *

Female citizen: Thank you, Luka

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Female citizen: Thank you, Luka.

Luka: You're welcome, Ms. Kelly. Have a good day.

Ms. Kelly: Thank you, I will. *He then pedals to the next address. *

Luka: A bracelet? Nah, I gave her one before. Hmm... *He handed a box to Mrs. Santos, and she patted his helmet as a thank you, he then got on his bike, stopped in front of the bakery, and thought again. * She's probably too busy in there. I'll talk to her later. *He pedals away to his next stop. On the way home, Sabine was walking out from her painting class. *


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