Getting Sabrina, the dog hero

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While the students and teachers were in a frenzy, hiding in plain sight, inside the Janitor's closet, Sabrina cried on her knees when she heard the door slowly open, she looked up and wiped her eyes. She saw Ladybug at the doorway.

Sabrina: Ladybug?

Ladybug: It's okay, Sabrina. What's wrong?

Sabrina: M-my dad. He's...

Ladybug: Rogercop? I know

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Ladybug: Rogercop? I know. *She helped her up from the floor. * We're finding it difficult to beat him, we're gonna need your power of Adoration to help get wherever the Megakuma is hiding.

Sabrina: Think I can do it again?

Ladybug: You did well when we dealt with Penalteam, I'm sure we can do the same thing with Rogercop. Do you wanna save your dad?

Sabrina: I do. Anything to save my dad. *Ladybug swiped open her yo-yo and pulled out the Dog miraculous, Sabrina took it and put it on, which made Barkk appear. * Barkk!

Barkk: Hello, Sabrina, my fellow best friend

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Barkk: Hello, Sabrina, my fellow best friend. Ready to be a hero again?

Sabrina: Yes.

Ladybug: Then you know what to say. *Sabrina nods her head yes to Barkk. *

Sabrina: Barkk, on the hunt! *She transforms into Miss Hound. *

Ladybug: Good to see you again, Miss Hound

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Ladybug: Good to see you again, Miss Hound. Now we have to meet with the others. Let's go.

Miss Hound: Wait. *She used her Dog sense of smell and smelled the trail. *

Ladybug: What are you getting?

Miss Hound: I'm picking up their scent.

Ladybug: You can do that? Wow. *Miss Hound smelled the scent and she stood up from the ground. *

Miss Hound: They left the Louvre, now going to City Hall.

Ladybug: You're good. Let's go. *They both start running and leaping to City Hall. * Once we corner Rogercop, you'll use your power to catch the object that possesses the Akuma.

Miss Hound: But what if he handcuffs me or anyone else? He'll imprison us in laser cages.

Ladybug: Then I have a backup plan. But for now, let's just focus on our main role.

Miss Hound: Okay. *They keep moving to City Hall. *

Prepare for a comeback (A trust that can't be broken) part 2Where stories live. Discover now