Lunchtime, art topic, and gym class

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In the Cafeteria, today's lunch specials are:

1. Hot Dogs:

Main Course: Hot Dogs with Mustard and Ketchup

Side Dish 1: French Fries

Side Dish 2: Coleslaw

Drink: Apple Juice

Dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookies

2. Chicken Nuggets:

Main Course: Chicken Nuggets

Side Dish 1: Carrot Sticks and Ranch Dressing

Side Dish 2: Macaroni and Cheese

Drink: Strawberry Milk

Dessert: Fruit Cocktail

3. Baked Ziti:

Main Course: Baked Ziti

Side Dish 1: Garlic Bread

Side Dish 2: Caesar Salad

Drink: Grape Juice

Dessert: Vanilla Pudding with Chocolate Chips. *

Valerie: Mmm, Baked Ziti. *She carries her tray with the Baked Ziti, Caesar salad, grape juice, and vanilla pudding with chocolate pudding. *

Lawrence: Had chicken nuggets last night for dinner, but what the heck. *He carries his tray with chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, strawberry milk, and a fruit cocktail. *

Lucas: Good thing I got my lunch. *He brought his lunch bag and sat down as Mark followed him with his lunch. In line, Michelle got the hot dog with mustard and ketchup, French fries, apple juice, and chocolate chip cookies and walked out of line. *

Alya: I'm getting the nuggets.

Marinette: I'll save you a seat.

Alya: Okay. *Marinette heads to her seat and Alya waits in line for her food. From the lunch line, Alix and Zoe walked from the line with their food. Alix has a hot dog with ketchup and mustard, coleslaw, apple juice, and chocolate chip cookies and Zoe has the Baked Ziti, Caesar salad, grape juice, and vanilla pudding with chocolate chips. At their table, Mylene drank some milk, Juleka and Rose chuckled and looked over their phones while eating, Jessica took a bite of her hotdog, Sabrina dipped her chicken nugget and took a bite, Marinette ate her turkey and cheese sandwich and tasted a strawberry. *

Alix: So, what's been going on?

Jessica: I just got through a Geography session, but it was difficult to be partnered up with Chloe. She can barely do any work, especially partner work. *She takes another bite of her hot dog as Aeon reads a book and looks at Jessica. *

Zoe: That sucks. *She tries her Baked Ziti. Then, Alya came to the table and sat down. *

Jessica: You have no idea.

Alya: Another Chloe issue? *She opened her ketchup packet poured some on her chicken nuggets and picked one up. *

Jessica: Yep. She was "forced" to be my partner class partner, but she had no choice but to work or fail the assignment.

 She was "forced" to be my partner class partner, but she had no choice but to work or fail the assignment

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