10th member gets hurt on stage

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It's been a long time since she felt this energy. Being on stage makes everything better for Y/N, seeing the fans, hearing the charts and compliments thrown her way (she gets shy every. single. time.) anyway- she loves it as much as she loves all her -moms- I mean... members which is a lot.

Y/N - Wow... this stage is bigger than any other we've sung!

Nayeon - You're right, it appears to be the size of Seoul lol

Momo - Don't lie, grandma, Seoul is smaller than Tokyo and you know it (A/N: I searched for this so if it's wrong my apologies...)

Nayeon - Shut up! The baby is excited, I just wanted to encourage her pabo


Momo - OMG- You just appeared out of nowhere Sana, you must be my n° 1 fan, always bullying me. And you boomer, I'm not even going to answer 'cause I agree that our kiddo deserves to enjoy this after being sick and sad :(

Y/N - You guys do know that I'm still here and that I'm NOT a kid!

Tzuyu - Keep telling yourself that shortie

Y/N - HEY UNNIE! That doesn't even make sense, I'm taller than Chaeyoung and Dahyun unnie and still growing while they're going to be dwarfs forever

Dahyun and Chaeyoung - Say no more bro, you're hurting our feelings...

Tzuyu - Why? She just told facts...?


Tzuyu - I didn't ask for it

Y/N - Damn- she's on fire today



Y/N - No... I said gram, I was calling Nayeon unnie! Yes, that's it

Nayeon - Don't lie, you're already on thin ice

Y/N - Okay, okay, maaaaaybe I said damn- oops, said it again but you asked for it

Jihyo signs and is about to start lecturing the maknae when Mina enters the room warning them that the recording begins in 5 minutes

Jihyo - You didn't escape this, we're going to talk at home

Y/N - Wow, thank God Jihyo

SMC - Fr, I wish this happened when we get scolded. Well, let's get going!!

Y/N - YAAAAAY, we're going to see ONCE

Mina - Yeah, just be careful, the staff asked me to warn you girls 'cause the stage is slippery (as always just to mess with idols' lives)

Y/N - Okie dokie unnie :)

All except Y/N and Mina - Ok, ty for letting us know Mina (unnie in case of the SMC)

As they head to the stage Y/N starts to run a little to see ONCE as soon as she can, the unnies can feel that something is wrong but they can't place what it is since they're smiling like the whipped moms they're.

However, when they get near the stage it clicks. The stage is wet and the kid is running, the stage is wet and the kid is running. Okay, that was the problem. Now they just have to warn Y/N-


Well, that didn't go the way they planned...

Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon being the fastest got there and tried to save their maknae still they couldn't get there in time. Y/N fell backwards in a way that hit her ankle hard, the members helped her up and asked multiple questions, mostly wanting to know if she was okay and she answered she was, but after some seconds she started to feel the effects of the fall but she didn't let the unnies know so she could see ONCE. When DTNA started playing she knew it was the end for her, with a cry she fell on the floor crying in pain.

Jihyo - WTH Y/N you told us you're fine.

Y/N - I lied, I'm sorry unnie but it hurts so bad *sobs*

Jihyo - Ok, ok, we'll talk about this later (with the cursing issue, thought she forgot about it? Nahhh, momma bear Jihyo never forgets)

Sana - Let's get her to the medics here

Sana put her arms on Y/N's waist and helped her get backstage. The doctor said it was just a sprain but she needed to take some medicine and also rest for at least a week, at hearing this Y/N let out a loud groan, getting her a glare from 3mix as they were in mom mode.

Momo - As you know, you're not going to walk to the car since you've to rest


Momo - Stop screaming.

Y/N - Yes, ma'am

Momo - Ok, now that you're listening again I'll let you know that I'm carrying you to the car and when we get home to your room

Y/N - Unnie... I don't wanna bother you, I'm heavy

Momo - That's not true, you're as light as a feather to us because you're our baby. And also, you're not bothering us, you just need some love and care rn and that's okay. Everyone needs that sometimes.

Y/N - You're right unnie, thank you. I love you

Momo - Ownnn, you're welcome, love you too honey. DID YOU GUYS HEAR HER SAYING SHE LOVES ME?

Twice except Y/N and Momo - WHAT ABOUT US?

Y/N - Oh, Jelly Jelly is inspired by you guys... Didn't know that. Jk, love you unnies <3

Nayeon - You better

Jihyo - Yeah!

Jeongyeon - Period.

Sana - We're gonna let you go with this joke just 'cause you're cute

Maknae line - That's what she said

Getting home, they got Y/N to drink her medicine and put her in bed all looking at her with so much love she could burst. Without knowing Y/N smiled in her sleep and whispered

Y/N - I've the best family ever

Twice cooed and each gave her a kiss on the forehead, leaving the room with a warm feeling and a single thought "Get well soon our lovely maknae"

A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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