10th member is the regressor

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A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty for this idea anon and I hope I wrote it the way you meant! :D

The request: Do you know regressor? So what if 10th member of twice is actually regressor, in actually timeline twice actually not successful (y'know many scandal, accusations, controversial) so the 10th member of the actual timeline died and goes back in time to save twice in now timeline (like the reader is a regressor to save twice and no I'm not talking about aftermath the story or the actual timeline of the twice supposed to fall no, I'm talking about how the reader save twice in now timeline)

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Once upon a time, in a world not too different from our own, there was a talented and determined young woman named Y/N. She was an extraordinary individual who possessed a unique ability, the power to travel back in time. But little did she know that her destiny would intertwine with one of the most popular girl groups in the music industry... TWICE!

In this alternate timeline, TWICE had not enjoyed the same level of success as they had in reality. Scandals, accusations, and controversies had plagued the group, leading to their eventual downfall. As the tenth member of TWICE, the maknae found herself trapped in this failing timeline, witnessing the decline of the once-beloved group. But she was not content to stand idly by and watch her unnies and the love of ONCE's crumble. She knew she had the power to change their fate. Determined to save her fellow members, the girl decided to use her time-travelling abilities to alter the course of history. One day, as she pondered her plan, she found herself transported back in time to the very moment she had become a member of TWICE. It was as if the universe itself had conspired to give her a second chance. This time, she would do everything in her power to ensure TWICE's success.

Y/N approached the other members of TWICE cautiously, aware that revealing her true abilities could alter their perception of her. She blended in seamlessly, becoming an integral part of the group's daily activities. As she spent more time with the members, TWICE's sugar realized that their struggles were not limited to the controversies and scandals they faced in public. There were internal conflicts, doubts, and fears that plagued the members of TWICE. She eventually recognized that these issues needed to be addressed before they could truly succeed as a group. She took it upon herself to become their guiding light, offering support, understanding, and a listening ear to each member. Y/N's efforts didn't go unnoticed. The members began to open up to her, sharing their concerns and aspirations. They found solace in her presence, and slowly but surely, the bond between them grew stronger. Her ability to travel through time allowed her to offer guidance based on future knowledge, ensuring that TWICE made the right decisions at critical junctures.

As time went on, TWICE's popularity began to soar. Their music resonated with fans, and the controversies that once threatened their existence faded into obscurity. The group stood united, stronger than ever before. Their performances were filled with passion and joy, and their harmonious voices filled arenas around the world. Y/N watched with pride as her efforts proved to be worthy. She saw the smiles on her fellow sisters' faces and knew that she had made a difference. She had saved TWICE from the darkness that had threatened to consume them. But Y/N's journey was far from over. She continued to support TWICE as they faced new challenges and embarked on exciting ventures. Together, they navigated the scary waters of the entertainment industry, always staying true to themselves and each other.

In the end, TWICE's success wasn't just about the music or the performances. It was about the unbreakable bond forged between the unnies and maknae, a bond that transcended time itself. Y/N had not only saved TWICE. She had given them the opportunity to create a legacy that would inspire future generations. And as she looked back on her journey, she realized that she had found her own place in this new timeline. She had become an irreplaceable member of TWICE, not just as a regressor from the future, but as a family member and confidante to the other girls. Y/N's story was a testament to the power of determination, friendship, and the belief that one person can make a difference. She had rewritten TWICE's destiny, ensuring that their music would touch the hearts of millions and that their light would never fade.

As the curtain fell on this chapter of Y/N's life, she knew that her journey as a regressor had come to an end. But the memories she had created with TWICE would forever live on in her heart and in the hearts of the fans who had been touched by their music. And so, she stepped into the future, grateful for the opportunity she had been given to save TWICE and thankful for the friendships she had formed along the way. The world was brighter because of her actions and TWICE would continue to shine as one of the greatest girl groups of all time. Even after going back to her timeline, she could never forget the phrase her unnies always told her:

We are proud of our dear maknae.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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