10th member goes missing!

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend Queens_Angles who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)

The request: Can u do where the 10th member goes missing and everyone is looking for her but she never shows up and everyone thinks she dead but she shows up and everyone happy

PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


The K-pop industry was in a state of shock and chaos. Y/N, the youngest member of TWICE, had gone missing. It had been three days since anyone had seen or heard from her, and panic had gripped the hearts of her fellow group members and fans around the world.

Jihyo, the leader of TWICE and Y/N's mama, had called an emergency meeting with the group's management team, and they were gathered in a dimly lit conference room, their faces etched with worry.

Jihyo - We need to find my kid!

Jihyo said firmly but her voice kept trembling with anxiety. 

Jihyo - We've contacted everyone we can think of, but there's been no sign of her.

Nayeon, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu, the other members of TWICE, nodded in agreement. They had been frantically reaching out to Y/N's friends, acquaintances, and anyone who might have had a clue about her whereabouts, but the leads had all been dead ends.

The news of TWICE's honey's disappearance had spread like wildfire, and the entire K-pop industry had assembled together to search for her. Celebrities, fans, and even rival groups had joined the effort, sharing Y/N's photos and information on social media, hoping for any leads.

As days turned into nights, the members of TWICE took turns crying and comforting each other. They had become more than just a group, they were a family, and the thought of losing one of their own was unbearable.

Sana, known for her bright and cheerful personality, had been particularly devastated. She had formed a special bond with the maknae, often referring to her as her baby within the group. Sana's usually radiant smile had faded, replaced by a deep sadness.

Meanwhile, fans around the world held vigils, lit candles, and prayed for Y/N's safe return. The hashtag #FindY/N had trended on Twitter for days, with fans pouring their hearts out in desperate pleas for her to come back.

On the third night of the girl's disappearance, the members of TWICE gathered in their shared dorm, unable to sleep. They sat huddled together on the living room couch, their faces pale and drawn.

Jihyo - We can't give up hope, our child is strong, and she's smart. She wouldn't just disappear like this without a reason! *trembling voice and pouting lips*

Nayeon - She must be scared and confused. We have to believe that she's out there, somewhere, waiting for us to find her. *nodding*

The others nodded in agreement, but the weight of uncertainty hung heavily in the air.

The following morning, as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, a knock on the door startled all the TWICE unnies. Jihyo was the first to reach the door, her heart racing with hope and fear.

She opened the door to find a dishevelled and exhausted Y/N standing in the hallway. Her clothes were rumpled, and her eyes were red from crying. The sight of her brought a flood of emotions, and Jihyo couldn't hold back her tears as she embraced her babygirl tightly.

Jihyo - My baby, you're safe! 

Jihyo cried with her voice choked with relief.

The rest of the members rushed to the door, their eyes widening in shock and joy as they saw their youngest standing there. They swarmed around her, hugging her, and bombarding her with questions. Such as:

Where have you been?

Are you okay?

We were so worried!

Y/N's eyes filled with tears as she tried to speak. 

Y/N - I'm so sorry, unnies... I didn't mean to worry you all.

Jihyo gently wiped away her lovely girl's tears. 

Jihyo - It's okay, honey. Mama's here. We're just glad you're back!

Y/N took a deep breath and began to explain. She had been dealing with personal issues that had overwhelmed her, and she had needed some time alone to sort things out. She had gone to a remote cabin in the mountains, away from the chaos of the city.

Y/N - I didn't mean to cause all of this, I just needed some space to think... *pouts with a trembling voice*

Sana, who had been standing nearby, stepped forward and embraced her baby tightly. 

Sana - You scared us half to death, love. *voice shaking with (lots of) emotion*

Y/N clung to her Shiba unnie, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

Y/N - I'm so sorry, Shasha unnie. I didn't want to hurt any of you. I love you unnies so much! *sobbing*

The other members joined in the hug, surrounding their maknae with their love and support. They had feared the worst, and their sunshine's safe return felt like a miracle.

The news of Y/N's return spread quickly through social media, and the hashtag #Y/NIsSafeNow trended worldwide. Fans rejoiced, and messages of relief and gratitude poured in from all corners of the globe.

Over the next few days, the members of TWICE and Y/N took some time to heal and reconnect. They shared their feelings, their fears, and their love for each other. Y/N apologized profusely for causing so much worry, but the members reassured her that what mattered most was her safety and well-being.

As they sat together in their dorm, they knew that they had come through a severe ordeal stronger than ever. The bonds of friendship and sisterhood that held them together had been tested, and they had emerged with an even deeper appreciation for each other.

Y/N's return marked a new beginning for TWICE, a reminder that they were not just a group of talented idols but a family who would always be there for each other, no matter what challenges they faced in their journey through the world of K-pop. And this made them all share the same thought:

We love our dear chosen family.

A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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