10th member is a cute copycat

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A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty! :D

The request: Ok what if the 10th member is like or has hobby of copying other member action, like when dahyun smile she copying it. jeongyeon prank twice, she copying it. Jihyo angry, she copying it. And where the concert, 10th member saw other member twerking and she copying too and the other member is in shock.. that's funny

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Y/N gazed out at the crowd, the electric energy of the concert coursing through her veins. She was the youngest member of TWICE, a talented and vibrant girl group that had taken the world by storm. Though she was the newest addition to the group, she had already made a name for herself with her remarkable skills and infectious personality. However, there was something about her that made her different from the rest. Unbeknownst to her, she possessed an extraordinary ability, a talent for unintentional mimicry. It was as if her very being was a mirror, reflecting the actions and emotions of those around her.

Y/N's unique ability first became apparent during a rehearsal. As Dahyun smiled brightly at her, the maknae felt an overwhelming urge to mimic her smile. Her lips curled into a mirror image of Dahyun's joyful expression, much to the surprise of the other members. From that moment on, her impersonations became an unintentional part of her identity. One day, during a break in their rigorous schedule, Jeongyeon decided to play a prank on her fellow members. With mischievous intent in her eyes, she slyly approached her kiddo and tickled her side, causing her to burst into fits of laughter. Much to everyone's astonishment, Y/N's laughter quickly turned into an uncanny echo of Jeongyeon's own mischievous chuckle.

The members of TWICE couldn't help but be entertained and sometimes even perplexed by Y/N's involuntary impressions. Jihyo, known for her strong and fiery personality, found herself at odds with Y/N on occasion. Whenever Jihyo expressed her anger, the younger girl unconsciously mirrored her frustration, creating a comical display of synchronized emotions. The concert was the grand finale of their tour, an extravagant spectacle that fans had eagerly awaited. The stage was set, the lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted with anticipation. TWICE took their positions, ready to give their fans an unforgettable night. As the music blasted through the venue, the members unleashed their energetic dance routines. Y/N watched as her fellow members, lost in the rhythm, broke into an impromptu twerking session. The shock on her face was evident as she witnessed their bold moves, but within seconds, she found herself mirroring their movements, much to the astonishment of the rest of the group.

The stage erupted in a symphony of laughter and disbelief as the members tried to maintain their composure while witnessing their sweet child's unwitting twerking show. The crowd, initially enthralled by TWICE's performance, was now doubled over with laughter, tears streaming down their faces. Y/N, unaware of the hilarity she had inadvertently caused, continued to twerk, completely lost in the moment. The sight of her synchronization with her fellow members was both endearing and uproarious. Even the most composed members struggled to contain their laughter. As the song came to an end, she finally realized what was happening. She looked around, her face flushing with embarrassment as she saw her members, still shaking with laughter. She couldn't help but laugh along with them, her infectious joy spreading through the entire venue.

The concert continued, the incident becoming an unforgettable highlight of the night. Y/N's mimicry, once seen as a peculiar trait, had now become a beloved and cherished part of TWICE's performances. Fans eagerly awaited the unexpected moments when the golden maknae synchronization would surprise them. As the curtain fell, the TWICE members gathered backstage, still buzzing with the energy of the concert. Y/N smiled, feeling the warmth of her sisters' acceptance and the love of the fans who embraced her unique talent.

At that moment, Y/N realized that her copycat ability was not a burden but a gift. It connected her with her fellow members on a deeper level, setting binds of giggles and love. She had unwittingly brought joy to countless people with her synchronizing acts. From that day forward, Y/N embraced her talent with open arms, using it to bring smiles to the faces of her fans. She became known as the unintentional entertainer, the girl whose actions echoed the emotions and antics of those around her. Y/N's mimicry was characteristic of her own, reminding everyone that no matter the differences, they were a family, bound together by laughter, music, and the joy they brought to the world. And that made the unnies that were looking at the bright smile on their youngest's face have only one thought:

We are proud of our dear maknae.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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