10th member realises her feelings for ITZY's Chaeryeong

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys lol! Sry for taking so long to post but the end of the semester is a whole event for me :D I hope that my friend user79994786 that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)

The request: you can do maybe chaeryeong (itzy) or eunchae (le sserafim) dating y/n. Ummm maybe if it's chaeryeong that jyp wanted to do a collaboration of sana, y/n and chaeryeong and then y/n realizes she has feelings for chaeryeong because chaeryeong and sana were close?

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Amidst the dazzling lights and harmonious hums of the studio, Chaeryeong found herself immersed in the melodies of a collaboration she never imagined. JYP Entertainment had brought together three talented young women: Chaeryeong from ITZY, Sana from TWICE, and Y/N, the youngest member of TWICE, whose angelic voice captivated hearts all around the world. As the rehearsal progressed, Chaeryeong couldn't help but feel an undeniable connection with the maknae.

Though she had known Sana for quite some time, the unexpected chemistry between Y/N and herself made her heart race. Chaeryeong had never questioned her feelings for anyone before, but TWICE's sunshine was different, her warmth, her voice, and her presence were magnetic. Yet, she was hesitant to confront her newfound emotions, uncertain about how it would affect their collaboration and friendship.

Throughout the rehearsals, Y/N's eyes often met Chaeryeong's, and a flutter of butterflies danced in her stomach each time. At first, she tried to brush off these sensations, dismissing them as mere nerves. But as she spent more time with the younger girl, she discovered that her feelings were genuine and blossoming into something profound. Sana, observant as always (Sanake lol), noticed the subtle shifts in Chaeryeong's behaviour. She decided to invite both her dongsaeng and Chaeryeong out for dinner after a particularly long day of practice. Sensing that they needed a chance to bond outside of the studio, she hoped the three of them could build a closer friendship, unaware of the hidden emotions in the mix (poor Shiba).

The evening began with laughter and delightful conversations, and as the night wore on, the youngest and Chaeryeong found themselves engrossed in each other's stories. Y/N's laughter was infectious, and Chaeryeong couldn't resist smiling whenever she heard it. They shared stories from their childhoods, dreams they had, and even their most embarrassing moments, forming an unspoken bond that felt deeper than friendship. As they walked back to their dorms that night, Sana finally noticed the lingering glances exchanged between Chaeryeong and her kiddo. She sensed that something had shifted between them, though she wasn't entirely sure what it was.

In the coming days, the collaboration continued to flourish. Their voices complemented each other perfectly, and their choreography had an undeniable synchronicity. As they practised together, their connection intensified, both on and off the stage. One evening, after a particularly soulful session, Chaeryeong found herself alone with Y/N in the practice room (Oh~). The air was charged with the electricity of their unspoken emotions, making the atmosphere almost palpable.

After a long time, Y/N broke the silence, her voice soft and hesitant. 

Y/N - Chaeryeong unnie, can I talk to you about something?

Chaeryeong nodded, her heart pounding against her chest. 

Chaeryeong - Of course, hon. You can talk to me about anything.

TWICE's angel took a deep breath and confessed (LET'S GOOOO).

 Y/N - I... I think I have feelings for you, Chaeryeong unnie. I know we're friends and we're collaborating, but these feelings, they're becoming more than just that. I can't stop thinking about you.

Chaeryeong's eyes widened, her heart racing even faster. This was the moment she had been both anticipating and fearing. She took the other girl's hands in hers, looking into her eyes with sincerity as she admitted her crush too.

Chaeryeong - Bae, you're not alone in feeling this way... I've been trying to come to terms with my own feelings for you. It's new and unexpected, but it's also so right.

Y/N's eyes glistened with tears of relief and joy. 

Y/N - You mean... you feel the same way? (Nah, she means she loves herself too- sry lol)

Chaeryeong nodded, a soft smile gracing her lips. 

Chaeryeong - Yes, I do. You're amazing, love, and I can't deny the way my heart races whenever I'm with you.

As they embraced, a sense of serendipity filled the room. Their collaboration was now intertwined with the blossoming of a beautiful romance. Chaeryeong marvelled at how life had led them to this moment, where they found each other amidst music and friendship. Their love remained a secret for a while, as they wanted to have it in their own time. They continued to practice and perform together, each day growing closer as they explored the depths of their affection for one another. However, secrets can only remain hidden for so long, especially among older sisters of a close-knit group like TWICE. Sana, as an incredible unnie, eventually noticed the tender glances and gentle touches between Chaeryeong and her maknae.

Sana approached her little sister one afternoon, her expression a mix of curiosity and support.

Sana - Baby, is there something you want to tell me?

Y/N hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath. 

Y/N - Unnie, please don't be mad. Chaeryeong and I... we're together. We didn't plan for this to happen, but it did, and I love her!

Sana's eyes softened with understanding, and she pulled TWICE's child into a warm embrace.

Sana - I'm not mad, sweetheart. In fact, I'm happy for both of you. Love is a beautiful thing, and if you've found it with Chaeryeong, then I support you wholeheartedly.

With Sana's acceptance, the couple decided to share their relationship with the other members of TWICE. To their delight, they received overwhelming support and love from their friends and bandmates, reaffirming their decision to embrace their love openly. As the collaboration project reached its conclusion, Chaeryeong, Y/N, and Sana stood together on the stage, their voices intertwining in perfect harmony. Their journey had started with music, but it had led them to discover a love they never expected.

The performance ended with thunderous applause, and as they took their final bow, Chaeryeong and Y/N shared a knowing smile. Their love story had just begun, and they knew that together, they could create the most beautiful melodies life had to offer. Serendipity had brought them together, and with their hearts entwined, the future held endless possibilities for them as they could only have one thought:

We are proud of our chosen family.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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