10th member is babysat by Kwon Eunbi

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend LyraHarris8 who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)

The request: Hi I want to request can you do where the members have to go away for a day and they ask eunbi(kwon eunbi) to look after y/n as y/n were still a minor and eunbi adore y/n. Eunbi play with y/n all day and at night y/n ask eunbi to cuddle and she thought it was adorable. Y/n really love her eunbi unnie. Thank you ❤️

PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling city of Seoul. It was a rare day off for TWICE, the K-pop sensation that had taken the world by storm. But even on their days off, there were responsibilities to be met, and today was no different.

Y/N, the youngest member of the group and still a minor, had been left in the care of Kwon Eunbi, a former member of IZ*ONE and a close friend of the TWICE members. Eunbi adored Y/N like a little sister, and she had eagerly agreed to look after the young idol for the day while the rest of TWICE attended various appointments and meetings.

Eunbi arrived at the luxurious apartment building where Y/N lived with her older sisters, her heart fluttering with excitement. She had planned a day full of fun activities to keep the young idol entertained. As she stepped into the lobby, she was greeted by Y/N, who was dressed in comfortable loungewear and had a bright smile on her face.

Y/N - Eunbi unnie! 

Y/N yelled as she rushed over to hug Eunbi. 

Y/N - I'm so glad you're here!

Eunbi returned the hug warmly, her heart melting at the younger girl's enthusiasm. 

Eunbi - I'm happy to be here, baby. We're going to have so much fun today!

TWICE's honey nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. 

Y/N - What are we going to do first, unnie?

Eunbi pulled out a list of activities she had prepared. 

Eunbi - Well, first, we're going to start with some arts and crafts. How does that sound, love?

Y/N's eyes lit up. 

Y/N - That sounds amazing, unnie!

They spent the morning crafting together, making colourful friendship bracelets, painting pictures, and laughing as they got paint on their hands and faces. Eunbi was amazed at her dongsang's creativity and artistic talent. She marvelled at how such a young idol could be so mature and talented.

After finishing their arts and crafts, they moved on to baking cookies. TWICE's cutie pie insisted on decorating them with beautiful icing and sprinkles, creating a delicious mess in the kitchen. Eunbi couldn't help but laugh at the youngest's enthusiasm and the way her face lit up with every successful batch of cookies.

As the day wore on, Eunbi took Y/N to a nearby park, where they played on the swings, had a picnic, and ran around like carefree children. Eunbi couldn't help but be amazed at Y/N's boundless energy and joy. She was a reminder of the simple pleasures in life that Eunbi sometimes forgot in her busy idol schedule.

As the sun began to set, they returned to TWICE's dorm. Eunbi had one more surprise in store for the young idol. She had set up a cosy blanket fort in the living room, complete with fairy lights and fluffy pillows. Y/N's eyes widened in awe as she stepped inside.

Y/N - Wow, unnie! This is incredible! 

Eunbi - I thought you might like it, hon. Now, what do you say we watch a movie and have a little snack? *smiling*

Y/N nodded enthusiastically, and they settled down in the blanket fort with a bowl of popcorn and a stack of DVDs. They chose a heartwarming animated film and snuggled under the blankets, their laughter filling the room as they watched the movie together.

As the movie neared its end, Y/N turned to Eunbi with a shy smile. 

Y/N - Unnie, can I ask you something?

Eunbi turned to her, curious. 

Eunbi - Of course, darling. What is it?

TWICE's lovebug hesitated for a moment before speaking softly. 

Y/N - Can we... cuddle?

Eunbi's heart melted at the girl's request. She had always seen her as a little sister, but in that moment, she realized just how much the young idol looked up to her and trusted her. Without hesitation, Eunbi wrapped her arms around Y/N and pulled her close, cuddling with her under the soft blankets.

Y/N let out a contented sigh and snuggled closer to Eunbi, resting her head on Eunbi's chest.

Y/N - Thank you, unnie. I really love you.

Tears pricked at the corners of Eunbi's eyes as she held her little sister close. 

Eunbi - I love you too, sweet girl. You mean the world to me.

They stayed like that for a while, watching the stars through the window as the night grew darker. Eunbi couldn't have asked for a more perfect day with Y/N. She cherished these moments when they could just be themselves, away from the glitz and glamour of the idol world.

Eventually, Y/N's eyelids grew heavy, and she yawned. Eunbi gently tucked her in, making sure she was warm and comfortable.

Eunbi - Goodnight, angel. *whispering*

Y/N - Goodnight, unnie *murmuring since she's already drifting off to sleep*

Eunbi watched over Y/N for a while, her heart full of love and gratitude. She knew that being an idol could be challenging, but moments like these made it all worthwhile. She was determined to be the best unnie she could be for Y/N and all the other members of TWICE.

As Eunbi settled down to sleep herself, she couldn't help but smile, feeling truly blessed to have Y/N in her life. It was a day she would cherish forever, a day filled with love, laughter, and the sweetest cuddles from the youngest member of TWICE. And this made her have only one thought:

We all love our dear maknae.

A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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