10th member is dating Aespa's Winter

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys lol! Sry for taking so long to post but the end of the semester is a whole event for me :D I hope that my friend AthirahNazari6 that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)

The request: Hi I want to request where y/n is dating winter from aespa and they wanted to make sure that she can take care of y/n and they saw how loving winter is towards y/n and it made happy. Thank you

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Seoul's golden sun bathed the city in warmth as Y/N, the youngest member of TWICE, stood outside a charming café. Her heart fluttered with excitement and nervousness, anticipating her date with Winter from aespa. The relationship between the maknae and Winter had blossomed unexpectedly, catching them both in a whirlwind of affection and joy. As she entered the café, Y/N couldn't help but feel her cheeks flush, eager to be with her beloved girlfriend. Inside, Winter sat at a table near the window, her copper hair cascading down her shoulders like the sunset. When she saw her girl approaching, her eyes lit up with joy, and she stood up to embrace her warmly. Winter's love enveloped TWICE's sunshine like a comforting embrace, and the young idol felt a sense of calm and belonging in her presence.

As they settled into their seats, Y/N and Winter chatted effortlessly, their laughter filling the air with happiness. Winter's genuine interest in the other idol's day-to-day life made her feel cherished, and her heart swelled with affection for the aespa member. It was clear to Y/N that Winter cared deeply for her, and every glance, touch, and word they shared spoke volumes about their love.


Back at the JYP Entertainment dorm, the members of TWICE had gathered in the living room. They had grown fond of their child and were genuinely thrilled to see her happy, but as her unnies, they felt a sense of responsibility to ensure Winter was the right person for their maknae. Nayeon, the oldest member, took the lead.

Nayeon - I'm glad our baby found someone special, but we need to make sure Winter is good for her.

Sana, as one of the clingy unnies that loved the younger ones to death, agreed.

Sana - Exactly! Let's keep an eye on them and see how they interact.

Dahyun chimed in. 

Dahyun - We should be discreet, though. We don't want to invade their privacy (funny how she says that when they're gonna spy the girls but- lol).

And so, TWICE unnies decided to subtly observe the youngest and Winter's date from a distance, curious to witness the dynamic between the two idols.

Throughout the afternoon, Y/N and Winter's affection for each other was evident. Winter's caring nature shone through as she lovingly brushed her fingers against the other girl's hand, and the younger idol would blush with a mixture of shyness and delight. Y/N, in turn, had a way of bringing out Winter's playful side, making her laugh and smile like never before. 

Momo, known for her keen observation skills (I see her that way for some reason, idk), whispered to Jihyo.

Momo - Look at how Winter's eyes light up when our kiddo speaks. It's heartwarming.

Jihyo smiled as she answered.

Jihyo - Yes, and our angel seems so at ease with her. They seem genuinely happy together.

As the date continued, the TWICE members noticed how Winter's protective instincts kicked in whenever someone approached their table. She would instinctively move closer to Y/N, ensuring her comfort and safety. This display of care did not go unnoticed by the maknae, and it only deepened her feelings for Winter.

Mina, usually reserved, couldn't help but comment about what she was seeing. 

Mina - They seem to support and understand each other well. It's lovely to see.

Tzuyu, who had been quietly observing too, finally spoke.

Tzuyu - I think Winter is good for our honey. They complement each other.

Jihyo agreed. 

Jihyo - I'm happy to see our love with someone who genuinely cherishes her.

Satisfied with their observations, TWICE unnies decided to give Y/N and Winter some space, confident in the strength of their relationship.

As the weeks passed, both girls love continued to flourish. They navigated the challenges of their busy schedules together, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day. Y/N felt grateful for having Winter in her life, and the aespa member embraced her with love and warmth. One evening, as the youngest returned to the dorm, she was met with knowing smiles from her olders sisters from TWICE. Nayeon playfully teased (I mean, who are we kidding. It's Nayeon, she wouldn't be able to not spill the tea lol). 

Nayeon - So, how's Winter treating you, maknae?

Y/N's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn't hide her happiness.

Y/N - She's wonderful. I'm really happy with her.

Sana winked.

Sana - We've been keeping an eye on you two, you know.

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise (cause her unnies just watched her date, I'd die if I had sisters and they did that lmao).

Y/N - You have?!

Jihyo laughed.

Jihyo - Don't worry, sweetie. It's just that we care about you, and we wanted to make sure you're being treated well.

The younger girl felt a warm sense of gratitude, knowing that her unnies loved and cared for her so deeply. 

Y/N - Thank you, everyone. Winter is amazing, and I'm as grateful to have her in my life as I am to have you guys.

From that day on, Y/N knew she not only had a loving girlfriend in Winter but also a group of caring and supportive unnies in TWICE. The combination of Winter's embrace and TWICE's acceptance created a cocoon of love around her, making her feel cherished and protected. And so, the bond between Y/N, Winter, and TWICE grew stronger. And that made them all realise one thing:

We are proud of our chosen family.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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