10th member is Sunmi's little sister

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys lol! Sry for taking so long to post but end of semester is a whole event for me :D I hope that my friend Thira3 that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)

The request: Hi I wanted to request again I know there's a lot of little sister requested recently can you do where y/n is sunmi little sister and twice was just babying and playing with y/n and sunmi visited them and they saw how sunmi babying and carrying y/n. They thought it was adorable and ask some tips from sunmi to make you happy. Thank you ❤️ I really like your book. It made my day happy by reading them.

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Y/N sat in the living room of the TWICE dorm, surrounded by the members of the popular girl group. As the youngest member of TWICE, she was used to being doted on and treated like a little sister by the older girls. They often spoiled her with affection, laughter, and playful banter, creating a warm and loving atmosphere that made the younger girl feel right at home. On this particular day, TWICE decided to have a playful photo shoot with their maknae. They were dressed in matching outfits, their vibrant personalities shining through as they posed and goofed around for the camera. Jihyo, as the leader and mother of the group, was in charge of capturing these precious moments, ensuring that every smile and giggle was documented. Especially as Nayeon came all of nowhere squealing while pinching their angel's cheeks gently.

Nayeon - Baby, you're so cute! I can't handle all this cuteness!

The youngest couldn't help but blush, even after becoming accustomed to such comments from the members, she still gets flustered. 

Y/N - Unnie, I love you but you're embarrassing me...

Momo, known for her energetic personality, joined in with a smirk on her face as she began to tickle her kiddo's sides making her squirm with laughter. 

Momo - I can't get enough of your laughter, sunshine! It's like music to my ears!

The rest of the members chimed in, showering Y/N with compliments and affection. Sana wrapped her arms around the girl, squeezing her tight. 

Sana - You're such a precious gem, darling! We're lucky to have you in our lives.

Just then, the door swung open, and Sunmi, Y/N's older sister, stepped into the room. The atmosphere instantly changed as TWICE rushed towards her, excited to see their friend and former labelmate. They shouted her name in unison, engulfing her in a group hug. Y/N watched from the sidelines, a smile spreading across their face. Sunmi had always been a source of inspiration and comfort for her, and she was overjoyed to see her unnie amidst her TWICE sisters who adored her so much. Sunmi returned the embrace warmly, her eyes scanning the room until they landed on her dongsang. Which made a smile brighter than the sun lit up her face.

Sunmi - Cutie! Look at you, all grown up! Are they taking good care of you?

The maknae nodded, feeling a sense of pride at her unnie's words. 

Y/N - They're the best, unnie. They treat me like family.

Sunmi's gaze shifted to the TWICE members, her eyes softening with affection. 

Sunmi - You girls are doing an incredible job with Y/N. She has always looked up to you.

Jihyo, who had been snapping photos from the side, walked over to Sunmi with a mischievous smile. 

Jihyo - Sunmi unnie, do you have any tips for us on how to make our child even happier?

Sunmi chuckled, ruffling her youngest sister's hair gently. 

Sunmi - Well, first of all, just being there for her and showering her with love is the most important thing. She needs to know she's cherished and supported, no matter what.

Nayeon nodded, her eyes shining with sincerity and a motherly smile. 

Nayeon - We've got that part covered. Y/N is our girl, and we'll always be here for them.

Sunmi's gaze lingered on her little sister for a moment, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes. 

Sunmi - Also, never forget to have fun with her. Create memories, play games, and let them know that they can always count on you for a good time.

Momo clapped her hands excitedly. 

Momo - We love playing games with Y/N! It's the highlight of our day.

As the conversation continued, Sunmi shared stories and advice with the TWICE girls, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. It was heartwarming for Y/N to witness the love and support flowing between her sister and her newfound family. The day wore on, and as the sun began to set, TWICE and Sunmi decided to take the maknae out for dinner. They chose a cosy restaurant, filling the air with laughter and shared memories. Y/N sat at the centre of it all, surrounded by the people she loved most in the world. As the evening came to a close, Sunmi pulled her dongsang into a tight embrace as she spoke with a voice filled with affection. 

Sunmi - I'm so proud of you, honey. Keep shining brightly and embracing the love that surrounds you. You're an amazing person, and I'm honoured to be your sister.

Y/N's eyes glistened with tears of happiness as she hugged Sunmi back. 

Y/N - Thank you, unnie. I love you so much.

TWICE, having witnessed the beautiful bond between Y/N and Sunmi, felt even more determined to be the best older sisters to their youngest. They had learned valuable lessons from Sunmi's visit, reaffirming their commitment to shower their kid with love, care, and happiness. And as Y/N looked around at her TWICE family, a sense of contentment settled within her. She was blessed with a sister like Sunmi and a group of sisters like TWICE who would always be there, guiding her through life's ups and downs. And at that moment, Y/N knew that she was truly cherished and loved, and her heart overflowed with gratitude for the incredible journey she was on with her sisters by her side. This only made the thought inside her head come back stronger:

I am proud of our dear family.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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