10th member almost gets abused by a staff

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A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty! :D

The request: Hi I want to request where y/n is like a kid and one of the staff tried to take advantage of her and she ran towards the members and they got angry and took care of it. Thank you

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Y/N was the youngest member of the popular K-pop group TWICE. At just 16 years old, she had a bright smile, a playful personality, and a voice that captivated fans all around the world. Despite her young age, she was known for her maturity and professionalism, always striving to give her best on stage and in everything she did (Same as Eunchae, I mean- did you guys see her crying cause of a mistake she made? She's fantastic). One day, during a busy schedule, the members of TWICE found themselves at a photo shoot for a popular fashion magazine. The maknae was excited but also a little nervous as this was her first solo shoot. As the other members posed for their individual shots, she sat in a corner, waiting for her turn. A staff member approached her, a man in his late 30s with a friendly smile. He introduced himself as Mr Kim, one of the magazine's staff coordinators. Y/N smiled back politely, unaware of the darkness hidden beneath his charming facade.

As her turn approached, Mr Kim offered to assist her during the shoot. He positioned himself as her mentor, guiding her through the process. At first, everything seemed fine, but as the shoot progressed, Mr Kim's behaviour began to change. He started making inappropriate comments about her appearance, commenting on her developing figure and how she would appeal to older male fans. Y/N felt uncomfortable, but she dismissed it, thinking she might be overreacting. However, things only got worse. During a break, Mr Kim approached the girl when she was alone in the dressing room. He stood too close, invading her personal space, and began touching her inappropriately. Fear gripped Y/N as she realized what was happening. She tried to push him away, but he was stronger. Terrified, the youngest knew she had to get away from him. She burst out of the dressing room after kicking him where the sun doesn't shine and ran as fast as her trembling legs could carry her. She could hear Mr Kim chasing after her after he yelled in pain, but she didn't stop until she reached the safety of the members.

The girls were in a separate dressing room, preparing for their next set of photos. When they saw their sweet angel burst through the door, tears streaming down her face, their hearts dropped. They had never seen her so distraught. Nayeon was the first to speak, rushing to get to her side, wrapping her arms protectively around the trembling girl.

Nayeon - What happened, sweetie? Are you okay? 

Y/N struggled to speak through her sobs. 

Y/N - M-Mr. Kim... he... he... tried to... hurt me. *sobbing*

Anger burned in the eyes of the other unnies. They had always treated Y/N like a little sister, and the thought of someone taking advantage of her filled them with fury. Without hesitation, Jihyo, Dahyun, and Momo stepped forward. Jihyo's voice was firm and her expression determined as her mama bear instincts were activated. 

Jihyo - Where is he? Take us to him right now.

The maknae pointed towards the direction from which she had come, still too shaken to speak. The three members stormed out of the dressing room, their eyes scanning the area for Mr Kim. They found him, cornered in a hallway, trying to play innocent. But there was no hiding the guilt in his eyes as Jihyo, Dahyun, and Momo approached him, fury radiating from their every step. Jihyo's voice was filled with venom when she first started talking.

Jihyo - How dare you lay a hand on our kid!

Dahyun's eyes blazed with anger. 

Dahyun - You thought you could get away with it, didn't you? Well, you were wrong.

Momo's fists clenched as she stepped forward. 

Momo - You're going to pay for what you've done to our babygirl.

The three members didn't need to resort to physical violence. Instead, they used the power of their voices and their positions to ensure justice would be served. They reported Mr Kim to the authorities, provided evidence, and made sure he faced the consequences of his actions. Meanwhile, the remaining members stayed by Y/N's side, comforting her and assuring her that she was safe. They vowed to protect her and ensure that nothing like this would ever happen again. In the days that followed, Y/N received an outpouring of support from her fans and the K-pop community. The incident had brought to light the dark reality that young idols like her often face, but it also showcased the strength and unity of the TWICE members and their unwavering commitment to each other's well-being.

Y/N's ordeal served as a wake-up call, prompting the industry to reassess its practices and implement stricter measures to protect its young talents. Through it all, TWICE's sunshine learned the importance of trust, solidarity, and standing up for what is right. She grew even closer to her TWICE sisters, cherishing the bond they shared as both colleagues and friends. And though the scars of that traumatic experience remained, she emerged stronger, determined to continue pursuing her dreams while advocating for a safer and more inclusive industry. The incident marked a turning point in Y/N's life, shaping her into an advocate for change and a beacon of hope for those who had experienced similar ordeals. And as she stood on stage with TWICE, singing her heart out, her voice filled with resilience, she knew that she had a support system that would always be there for her, ready to fight alongside her and protect her from any harm that may come her way. (A/N: If you find yourself in this kind of situation please search for help, you guys all deserve love and respect xoxo) 

And as they all found themselves surrounded by the incredible energy of ONCEs, they could only have one thought:

We are proud of our dear readers.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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