10th member being pampered by 6mix (not her cup of tea but-)

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A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty and I'm sorry for taking some time but studying sucks. This one is being posted as thanks for 25k views on Wattpad :D

The request: hii <3 i have a request where its kinda like the being babied by 6MIX prank but instead its not a prank and they genuinly treat her like a baby and it gets on the maknae's nerves because she isn't an affectionate person

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


In the vibrant city that never slept, the walls of JYP Entertainment's headquarters echoed with laughter and melodies. The headquarters was buzzing with the excitement of 6MIX's 10th debut anniversary celebration. The air was thick with nostalgia and harmony as the members rehearsed their upcoming performances and shared stories of their journey together.

Amidst the mess of preparations, the youngest member, Y/N, found herself in a curious predicament. Y/N was known for her composed and somewhat distant demeanour, a stark contrast to her lively and affectionate group mates. As the day of the anniversary celebration drew nearer, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, Jihyo, and Jiwon (aka 6MIX unnies) decided to create a plan to shower their baby with the love and attention she rarely expressed herself.

The morning sun streamed through the windows of the dormitory as Y/N emerged from her room, a book in hand and a faint smile gracing her lips. She was dressed in her usual casual attire, her eyes focused on the pages before her. Just as she reached the living area, the atmosphere shifted. Nayeon appeared, her face adorned with a playful grin that instantly put Y/N on alert.

Nayeon - Good morning, Y/Nnie! 

Nayeon cooed with her tone overly sweet.

Y/N- Morning, Nayeon unnie. *furrowing her brows in suspicion*

Nayeon's grin widened, and she pounced, wrapping her arms around Y/N in an unexpectedly tight hug. Y/N stiffened in surprise, her book dropping to the floor.

Nayeon - Surprise hug attack! *giggling as she releases Y/N*

Y/N blinked, her expression caught between confusion and amusement. She bent down to pick up her book, her fingers brushing over the words absentmindedly as Nayeon continued to ramble on about the upcoming anniversary celebrations. Y/N could feel Nayeon's gaze on her, filled with an intensity that hinted at some kind of mischief.

As the morning progressed, the other members of 6MIX joined in the spectacle. Jeongyeon presented Y/N with an oversized teddy bear, Sana adorned her with a crown of flowers, Jihyo offered a plate of heart-shaped pancakes, and Jiwon handed her a cup of juice with an umbrella straw. Each gesture was accompanied by coos, giggles, and whispers of Our Y/Nnie is so cute!

The maknae's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and bemusement. She tried to maintain her composure, returning polite smiles and nods while desperately attempting to read her book amid the flurry of affectionate distractions. Yet, there was an undeniable warmth that stirred within her, a feeling she wasn't entirely accustomed to.

By the afternoon, Y/N's patience was wearing thin. The dormitory had turned into a sanctuary of plush toys, glittering decorations, and an undeniable atmosphere of love. Nayeon had worn a chef's apron and was attempting to teach Y/N how to make heart-shaped cookies, much to Y/N's mortification. As the dough clung to her fingers and flour dusted her clothes, she felt a tickle of frustration.

Y/N - Nayeon unnie, I appreciate all of this, really, but I'm not exactly a baby.

Nayeon's eyes widened, and she blinked in surprise before bursting into laughter. 

Nayeon - Oh, Y/Nnie, we know! But it's our way of showing how much we care. Besides, it's your 10th anniversary with us! You deserve all the attention.

Y/N sighed softly, a small smile tugging at her lips. Despite her resistance, she couldn't deny the warmth that had settled in her heart. As the day turned into evening, the members of 6MIX continued their unabashed display of affection, surrounding Y/N with a bubble of love that she couldn't help but be touched by.

Later that evening, after a celebratory dinner, Y/N found herself alone with Jiwon in their shared room as the older girl spoke with a warm and understanding look on her face. The dormitory had finally quieted down, and a sense of calm had settled over the space.

Jiwon - Y/Nnie, I know this isn't your usual style, but I hope you know that all of this was done with genuine affection. We just wanted to remind you how special you are to us.

Y/N's fingers traced the edges of her book, her gaze distant. 

Y/N - I do know that, Jiwon unnie. And I appreciate it more than I can express.

Jiwon moved closer, her hand finding Y/N's and giving it a gentle squeeze. 

Jiwon - You don't have to change who you are, Y/Nnie. But sometimes, letting others in, even just a little, can be a beautiful thing.

Y/N met Jiwon's gaze, a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude in her eyes. At that moment, she understood that this day wasn't about changing herself, it was about allowing herself to be vulnerable and open to the affection that surrounded her.

The anniversary celebration continued with fervour, but now Y/N participated with a more open heart. The members of 6MIX continued to shower her with affection, and while Y/N's demeanour remained composed, there was a newfound warmth in her smiles and interactions.

As the clock struck midnight, marking the official start of 6MIX's 10th anniversary, Y/N found herself on the rooftop of the dormitory, gazing at the city lights that stretched before her. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, Jihyo, and Jiwon joined her, their presence a comforting reminder of the bond they shared.

Sana - You know, Y/Nnie, we're like a family. And families come in all shapes and sizes. We love you just the way you are.

Y/N's lips curved into a genuine smile, her heart swelling with gratitude. She may not have been the most affectionate person, but she had come to realize that being surrounded by love was a blessing beyond measure.

As the night deepened, the group huddled together, sharing stories, laughter, and dreams for the future. At that moment, as the city lights shimmered below, Y/N felt a profound sense of belonging. She was a part of something greater than herself, a part of a family that embraced her for who she was.

And so, under the starlit sky, surrounded by the people who had become her second family, Y/N embraced the love that enveloped her, her heart forever touched by the anniversary celebration that had begun as a playful prank but had evolved into a heartwarming reminder of the power of genuine affection. And that made her have only one thought:

I am proud of my dear chosen family.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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