10th member gets anxious after thinking her Youtube video is gone

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys lol! Sry for taking so long to post but the end of the semester is a whole event for me :D I hope that my friend ECKEYYY that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)

The request: When Reader always feel need to double check and counting her things multiple times so one day Reader feel anxious because Reader thought it was gone, Reader start to feel upset, crying and suddenly Reader hit her head and pulling hair out, Because of it the members didn't know how to calm her down and Momo's the only member who know how to calm Reader down because Momo already witnessed it. I was mean like Reader thought one of her video on youtube was gone

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


Y/N was the youngest member of TWICE, but her age was not reflective of her immense talent and popularity. Her presence on social media, especially YouTube, garnered millions of fans worldwide. Despite her incredible success, she had a hidden struggle that only a few close friends were aware of. She always felt the need to double-check and count her videos on YouTube multiple times. It was a compulsive habit that stemmed from an intense fear of losing her hard work and creative efforts. The thought of one of her videos disappearing haunted her relentlessly. She would spend sleepless nights verifying her content, going over her playlists repeatedly, and checking her video analytics to ensure everything was in order.

One fateful afternoon, all the girls of TWICE were taking a break from their busy schedule, and the maknae found herself obsessing over her YouTube channel yet again. She scrolled through her videos, meticulously counting them one by one. With a furrowed brow, she noticed a discrepancy in the count. Her heart started racing, and anxiety gripped her like a vice. She was convinced that one of her videos had vanished into thin air.

Panicking, she hurriedly called out to her fellow older sisters. 

Y/N - Unnies, I can't find one of my videos! I'm sure it was there before, but now it's gone!

The other members tried to comfort her, but they didn't quite understand the depth of her distress. Y/N's anxiety escalated, and soon, tears streamed down her cheeks. The situation became overwhelming, and in her desperation, she began to hit her head and pull her hair out in frustration and stress. Momo, who had experienced this before (unfortunately, since it means it's not the first time she suffered like this 😔), recognized the severity of the situation. She gently approached their kid and tried to get her attention. 

Momo - Darling, it's okay. I'm here, and we'll figure this out together. Take a deep breath.

But Y/N was lost in the typhoon of her anxiety, and her breathing was shallow and erratic. Momo spoke softly to her, trying to calm her down and distract her from her distressing thoughts but it didn't work so she gently took her hand and whispered.

Momo - Let's go for a walk, love. A little fresh air might help you feel better.

Despite her emotional turmoil, TWICE's angel managed to nod, trusting her Momo unnie's comforting presence. The two slipped away from the rest of the members and ventured outside, where the gentle breeze brushed against their faces, carrying away some of the tension that had enveloped Y/N. Momo kept the younger girl engaged in casual conversation, talking about their hobbies, their favourite memories together, and silly things they did during their trainee days. Slowly, the storm of anxiety inside Y/N began to subside, and she found solace in Momo's understanding and empathy.

After a while, they returned to the rest of TWICE, where the members had set up a relaxing space for their child. Chaeyoung had brought out a sketchbook, Sana had some colourful markers, and Nayeon had a collection of funny videos to watch. They wanted to create a soothing environment for the youngest to distract her from her distress. Momo stayed by Y/N's side, encouraging her to engage in calming activities. They started doodling together, and the younger girl's tears began to transform into soft smiles. As they immersed themselves in creative play, the rest of the members joined in, making funny faces and telling jokes, creating an atmosphere of love and support.

Gradually, Y/N felt her anxiety easing, and she realized that her fellow members were not only her bandmates but also her family. They understood her, cared for her, and wanted to see her happy. Days passed, and Y/N's anxiety remained a struggle, but she had newfound strength in knowing she wasn't alone. Whenever the fear of losing her YouTube content resurfaced, Momo was there, ready to lend her support and guide her through the storm. The other girls also learned more about anxiety and ways to help Y/N cope. They attended workshops and counselling sessions together, becoming an incredible support system for their youngest. They made sure to create a safe space for her to express her emotions without judgment.

Y/N's YouTube channel continued to flourish, and she found comfort in knowing that her content was cherished by millions of fans. Her journey wasn't without challenges, but she faced them with the love and support of her TWICE family and the inspiration of her passionate followers.

As the months went by, Y/N's anxiety episodes gradually lessened, and she became more capable of managing her fears. She still occasionally needed reassurance, but she had learned healthier coping mechanisms and found strength in her sisters' understanding.

One day, after filming a fun vlog with her fellow members, Y/N sat down at her computer to edit the footage. It was a video full of laughter and joy, and she felt a deep sense of satisfaction as she uploaded it to her channel. She paused for a moment before hitting the "Publish" button, taking a deep breath. But this time, it wasn't out of anxiety. It was a breath of gratitude for her friends, for Momo's unwavering support, and for the journey that had taught her the importance of self-love and compassion.

With a smile on her face, she clicked "Publish," knowing that she had an incredible group of unnies and fans who cherished her for who she was, with anxiety and all. And with that, she continued to thrive, spreading happiness through her content and becoming an inspiration for others who faced similar struggles. This made her have only one thought:

I love my dear chosen family.

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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