10th member being babied by 3mix

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A/N: I got two similar asks on Tumblr and I put them together, hope the anons like it! :)

The requests: could you do a members (mainly Jihyo) prank the maknae by treating her like a small child/baby..ik they baby her as is but you could make the maknae all annoyed and stuff.

i love ur works! can you do more mom!3mix with 10th member? it's so cute how they baby her 😭

PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


It is no secret to ONCE and TWICE themselves that the unnies are overprotective of their maknae. Especially, 3mix, also known as the mom line (lol). However, they woke up with that vibe that you get when you wanna annoy your sibling, in that case, Y/N. Even if the youngest is always enjoying the feeling of being pampered, her sisters know when they get to the line and today, they wanna cross it. The prank is meant to last the whole day, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo got that idea from a ONCE that suggested it on a Vlive (Still can't get over the end of Vlives) they did coming back from a stage on their moms + maknae car. While you could be thinking that Y/N saw the comment, she wouldn't be able to, the unnies were on the front and she was on the last seat roll of the car laying down sleeping like the baby she is. And this cuteness always results in a thousand photos taken, some of them posted on her birthday cause, why not? The worst ones that become memes are usually provided by the maknae line and how could Y/N be mad when she does the same? It's only fair. Anyways-

The youngest is the last to get up this morning and that's already rare but amazing for 3mix since they had time to prepare everything for the prank.

Y/N - Morning unnies *yawns*

Jihyo - Hey baby, how are you doing?

Y/N - I'm okay, where are the other unnies?

Nayeon - They went out, there's only the four of us now, why? Are we not enough? *pouts*

Jeongyeon - Yeah cutie, do you love them more than us?

Y/N - What?? Of course not unnies, why are you like that? *frowns*

Nayeon - Isn't she adorable Jeongyeon? Look at that frown! She looks like a baby.

Y/N - I'm not a baby! You know that unnie :/

Jihyo - Awnnn, come here sweetie. Don't pout.

Y/N - I'm not pouting :(

Jeongyeon - Saying you're not pouting while doing so isn't gonna help your case.

Y/N - What's with you guys today?

Jihyo - Nothing, come eat what we made kid.

Nayeon - Yeah!! It's really good, I mean- I helped, obviously it's delicious.

Y/N - Okay, let's sit down. Can we watch TV while eating? *puppy eyes*

Jeongyeon - You know I can't with those eyes, Jihyo you answer!

Jihyo - Can't even deny something she asks *rolls eyes*

Nayeon - You try then. It's horrible to say no to her

Meanwhile, Y/N can be seen still doing the kicked puppy look so her unnies take pity on her and she finally watches TV while eating for the first time in months. It's funny for her to think how she did this at home all the time before coming to Korea but in the dorms, she wasn't allowed by 3mix and that made her look spoiled, but she wasn't. (maybe just a little but she'll never admit it).

After years (for Y/N ofc) they finally let her go to the sofa and they followed with a motherly smile on their faces as they noticed the skip on her steps. When they got there they remembered the prank and got to work.

Jeongyeon - Come cuddle honey

Y/N - Don't wanna...

Nayeon - Come here then...

Y/N - Nooo, you're being to clingy today unnies

Jihyo - But you're our child, lay here with mama

Y/N - Fineeee

Y/N goes to the other side of the sofa near the unnies and lands right in the middle, when she sits there and believes they find it enough she relaxes. But she let her guard down and Jihyo pulls her to her chest. The maknae layed there with an "oof-" and whined for the loss of her favourite moment on the TV show, Nayeon only cooed and stroked her hair. The others making sure she gets lots of cuddles. But, with time the youngest tried to get away and the unnies wouldn't let her, only laughing and telling her that a baby shouldn't be alone. This only made her more annoyed! With a huff, she goes out of the room pouting and complaining that the 3mix unnies are too much. (I'd love to be babied by 3mix but you do you girl, IG)

Her sisters felt bad and wrapped up the prank before the day finished, even if it was near the end 'cause they only wanted to annoy her a little but they could hear how frustrated she got with them. Opening the SMC room they found her sitting with her cell phone in hand, apparently texting on K-talk.

Jeongyeon - Kid... You know we love you

Y/N - I know, but why did you treat me like a baby all day? I'm a grown woman unnies

Nayeon - It was a prank pabo, we get that you want to be respected as who you are right now and to be seen as the mature girl we know you are.

Jihyo - Yeah, we understand you cutie pie, but we'll always see you as the girl that we met when you we're only trainees, even if you are 70 years old.

Y/N - Even then? Lol but you're gonna be grandmas!

Nayeon - YAH! You too, shut up.

Y/N - Sorry unnie... But I just overreacted a little, the haters are being mean again and they're talking about how childish I am with you guys *frowns*

Jihyo - WHAT? And you we're gonna talk to us when? This is not okay babe

Nayeon - We're gonna talk with JYP again and this time he must do something with these haters

Jeongyeon - Nobody messes with our child and gets away with it, only us.

Jihyo - That for sure. Anyway- besides that are you okay princess?

Y/N - Yes mamas, calm down. I'm fine now that you guys are here with me. And may I admit, I love when you guys pamper me, it makes me feel loved and warm inside (I wish)

Nayeon - Awnnn, we love you our dear maknae

Jihyo - Don't ever forget to tell us something like that, we are here for you and we love you our dear maknae

Jeongyeon -You are special to us and will always have a place in our heart and mind. We love you our dear maknae

A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3

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