10th member being babysat by Girls Generation (SNSD)

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A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend AlexHarris661 who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)

The request: Hi I really love your book. I want to request can you do where y/n is still a minor (like 14) and the members have a schedule until late night and they left y/n with girls generation and they all love her and she took a liking at Tiffany who thought y/n is adorable hugging a stuff dinosaur. They play games and feed y/n and at night Tiffany cuddle y/n to sleep and y/n want to visit them again because she had a lot of fun with them.

PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3


The city of Seoul sparkled under the night sky as TWICE hurriedly made their way to their packed schedule. It was a typical day in the life of K-pop idols, and as always, their tightly packed itinerary left them with little time for anything else. However, today was different because they were faced with an unexpected situation... Y/N, their youngest member, who was only fourteen years old, had a school event that required her attendance.

As they gathered in their dressing room, concern etched on their faces, Nayeon, aka mom number 2, addressed the issue. 

Nayeon - I know we're all swamped with our schedule today, but our kid has a school event that she can't miss. We can't leave her alone at the dorm, so I was thinking... What if we ask Girls' Generation if they could look after her for the day?

The members nodded in agreement, relieved that there was a solution to their predicament. They knew that Girls' Generation were not only their seniors but also friendly and caring idols who had a deep bond with TWICE. It was a fortunate coincidence that they had a day off.

Jihyo, TWICE's reliable leader and Y/N's omma, took out her phone and quickly dialled a number. 

Jihyo - I'll call Taeyeon unnie. She's usually the one we talk to.

Within moments, Taeyeon answered the call. After a brief conversation, they arranged for TWICE's sunshine to spend the day with Girls' Generation. Despite the hectic schedule ahead, the TWICE members felt a weight lifted off their shoulders, knowing that Y/N would be in good hands.

As Y/N arrived at Girls' Generation's spacious apartment, she was met with warm smiles and welcoming hugs from the legendary K-pop group. The members of Girls' Generation had always been like big sisters to her, and she felt at ease in their presence.

Taeyeon, the group's leader, ruffled Y/N's hair affectionately. 

Taeyeon - We're so glad you're here, baby. It's going to be a fun day with us.

Y/N beamed up at Taeyeon.

Y/N - I'm excited, unnie!

The other members gathered around, introducing themselves to TWICE's angel and making her feel right at home. Sunny, Sooyoung, Yuri, Seohyun, and Hyoyeon all had a unique warmth about them, and it didn't take long for Y/N to feel like she was part of their family.

But it was Tiffany, with her bright smile and warm eyes, who captured Y/N's heart from the moment they met. Tiffany knelt down to the younger girl's eye level and extended her hand. 

Tiffany - Hi, sweetie. I'm Tiffany. I've heard so much about you.

Y/N shook Tiffany's hand shyly, feeling a flush of excitement. 

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